Tips for Wet Fly Fishing

Wet fly fishing is using artificial flies that resemble insects before they hatch. Here are some tips for successful wet fly fishing!

Tips for Wet Fly Fishing
Tips for Wet Fly Fishing
Team Guidesly

April 27, 2022, 5 min read

Updated on April 26, 2022

Tips for Wet Fly Fishing
Team Guidesly

April 27, 2022, 5 min read

Updated on April 26, 2022

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Wet fly fishing, also known as subsurface fishing, is an ancient fishing method that dates back to the birth of fly fishing. In here, you cast across and downstream while allowing flies to cover more waters and create significant opportunities to reel in a big catch. 

angler preparing to fly fish in the middle of the water body

Wet fly fishing is more likely to be felt than seen since the idea is to replicate subterranean insect activity. It may seem complicated, but this is an effective way to lure in and catch that trophy at the end of your line. 

Here are some tips that will work to your advantage:

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1. Preparation

Fly fishing is a technique that not everyone can master. It requires quite a lot of things before you can consider it a success. Preparing both mind and resources is a must before going on a fishing trip. Try to read and learn about the rigs, flies, and techniques that you can use for a compelling angling adventure.  

2. Length of Rod Matters

Fishing using a nine-foot H2 four-weight and an 11-foot Sage ESN three-weight Euro rod, and a four-weight WF line is an acceptable gear for wet fly fishing. But nothing beats a line control that a longer fly rod can offer. 

Typically, anglers will not buy a long rod just for wet fly fishing alone, but if you ever happen to have a spare longer rod, we recommend you to use it for more controlled and effective fishing. 

3. The Simplest of Leaders 

In using a leader, you should go with the simplest one that can help you maximize your fishing time.

Trim the terminal ends for a few feet and add a tippet ring using a packaging leader. Then, add a 5x or 6x fluorocarbon section and use a double surgeon's knot to add the dropper tags to increase the fly's movement in the water. You'll be able to use this leader whether you go for a wet or dry fly fishing technique. 

4. Look for The Best Wet Fly Patterns

Depending on your state, you can throw in two or three flies simultaneously. Throwing the maximum number of flies gives several options for trout to bite in. 

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Unweighted flies effectively lure fish species because of how easy it is to dance and dangle into the water. But, you can still throw combinations of flies in different sizes, profiles, and colors until you find the best one that works for you. 

If things are not well, you can throw in some goofy attractor flies, such as a tiny rainbow warrior or a son of Sexy Walt's. Another important note is that anglers land a better catch using the smallest fly. Other flies can attract the fish, but most are caught using size 20 or 22 flies. 

5. Positioning

Positioning is one of the keys to successful fly fishing. Where you stand in the run will decide how many takes you can get.

Standing above the riffle and swinging into areas that look too shallow will surprisingly give you a good catch because, in some areas, big fish are in water that is only about 12 feet deep. 

However, standing 30 feet above the swing zone will dramatically increase your take rates because the farther you are from the swing zone, the less scary it is for the fish to come through, enabling you to get more catches than usual. 

6. Use A Split Shot

Weight is also a critical factor in successful fly fishing. Most wet-fly anglers don't usually use a split shot, but this is a grave mistake. Using a split shot as weight helps you cast your bait farther and keep it low. 

If the water is deep or becomes extremely fast, a split shot will let you cover more rapid waters that are usually not appealing to some wet fly anglers. When you add it above the tippet ring, you’ll be able to have a bountiful catch of big fish. 

7. Visualization is Important 

In wet fly fishing, visualization can be beneficial. Thinking and visualizing how you can get the flies to rise and imagining how they would work once you cast them into the water will help you create a way to land a successful catch. 

The line length, casting angles, mending, and weight will play a vital role in fly fishing. However, there are also other factors that you need to consider to have a successful fishing trip. These factors are the type of fly you will use, the fishing area's depth, and the flies' swinging speed. 

8. Be Active 

If you let your flies be active once you cast them into the water, there is a high chance that the fish cannot resist biting them. 

Pulling in a few inches during a swing and immediately letting go can trigger a strike. Sometimes, a slow retrieve at the end of the drift will attract them. You have to play around until the fish you're looking for will quickly come to you. 

9. Park and Work

Once you've got a signal to fish, park, and work thoroughly in the area until you land a great catch, you can start rotating flies and retrieval styles until you get hits.

Using bugs makes the fish more aggressive to feed since it hatches in the riffles. You can see how many fish are having a frenzy, making it a perfect opportunity to have a big catch. 

10. Focus On The Techniques

No matter what flies you use or which spot you take, techniques will matter more. The method is the core for successful wet fly fishing. If you know what you are doing and how to do it, then there is no doubt that your trip will be unique. 

Wet fly fishing can be pretty challenging and complicated. It requires a lot of time and effort before you can use it effectively. But there is no doubt that it works best in trout fishing; you have to be patient and work your way through the waters. Don't forget to read, learn, follow, and apply the tips and techniques provided to you. 
