African Pompano

African Pompano

Species Details

Alectis Ciliaris



Offshore, Structures, Reef

15 - 20 lbs.

20" - 39"

Are African Pompano good to eat?

Dubbed one of the most versatile fish for consumption, African Pompano has an edible, glossy, silver skin that doesn't need scaling. You'll enjoy the meat of this fish, with its smooth white texture boasting a mild, subtle flavor. Containing a buttery quality that is similar to mahi-mahi and snapper.

African Pompano Description

The African Pompano (Alectis Ciliaris), also known as pennant fish or threadfin trevally, is part of the Jack family.   They are silvery, round fish.  They are found close to the bottom over shallow parts of oceanic waters. Pompano feed on crustaceans and fish. Juveniles are diamond-shaped with long trailing filaments shrinking and then disappearing with age. Juveniles are found close to shores.  Adult Pompanos can be found in waters from 30 feet to 250 feet.  

Jacks are a fast-swimming fish that can roam over great distances. They are attracted to shiny and moving objects so along with live bait, jigs are a good choice. African Pompano is hunted by large Tuna and Dolphins.  

The World Record for the African Pompano 

The African Pompano World Record weight is 50 lb 8 oz caught in Daytona Beach, Florida, USA in 1990. The World Record length is 39"  caught in Key West, Florida, USA in 2011.

African Pompano Fishing Pictures
