

Species Details

Semotilus Corporalis



Lake, Stream, Pond

1 - 4 lbs.

5" - 19"

Fallfish (Semotilus corporalis) Fish Description

Fallfish, though bears similarities to the creek chub, has a more pointed head and a more sidewise compressed body. It has a dark olive, brown to black back, while its sides are more of a silverish to a white belly. 

The fallfish has large scales, about 43-50 along the line laterally. Young, or juvenile, fallfish tend to have a distinctive dark stripe that runs down the center of their body. 


Fallfish Diet and Size

The diet of fallfish comprises mostly aquatic insects, plankton, and other fishes. 

While young fallfish food consists of chironomids and zooplankton. Once they’ve reached the size of 10 cm, their diet adjusts to include small fish (inclusive of their own young) and preys on fish eggs and terrestrial insects when opportune. 

Fallfish can grow up to 10 to 15 inches. But their average length is around 5 inches. When fallfish are fully matured, they can weigh up to 1.6 lb to 4 lbs.


Interesting Facts About The Fallfish

  • Anglers commonly refer to fallfish as “chub,”, but they are rarely kept for food.   
  • Fish-eating birds and large fish commonly prey on fallfish
  • The fallfish is considered to be the largest minnow species native to Northeastern America.
  • Before the introduction of fish such as smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, and brown trout the Fallfish used to be the apex predator in plenty of streams.


Fallfish - Fishing Techniques

Fallfish are often come across when fishing for more preferable, or desirable species. 

However, don’t be fooled! Considering their large size, dogged fighting style, powerful runs on light tackle, and willingness to strike make them a worthy catch in their own way. They can and most likely will take on a fight with lures almost as large as themselves.

Fallfish caught using ultra-light tackle or by fly fishing would be recommended. But anything that can be for catching panfish will work on them, such as spinners, jigs, plugs, and even a big juicy worm.  

They can quite hit hard and fast and, especially when the hook is set, fallfish tend to respond by leaping out of the water. And due to their soft mouths, it would be best to land them using a net.


Fallfish Habitat and Distribution

Fallfish are freshwater fish. They can be most commonly found in pools and runs of rivers but can be also found in lakes. They typically prefer swift currents, but fallfish can be found in oxygenated bodies of water, such as pools. Indicatively of their name, fallfish can be chiefly found at the base of waterfalls. 

Fallfish are found in the northeastern parts of the United States and eastern Canada inhabiting clear lakes, ponds, and streams.
