Tiger Shark

Tiger Shark

Species Details

Galeocerdo Cuvier



Onshore, Nearshore, Offshore, Reef, Wreck

850 - 3000 lbs.

120" - 295"

What is the Size of a Tiger Shark?

The average size of a tiger shark is from 11 to 14 feet in length and 800 to 1400 pounds in weight. With their dimorphic nature, female tiger sharks grow much larger than the males, reaching a gigantic size of 16 to 17 feet long and weight of up to 2000 pounds.

Tiger Shark (Galeocerdo Cuvier) Description

The Tiger Shark is named for the dark bands or stripes that it has on the side of its body, resembling that of a tiger. Belonging to the same family as Bull Sharks, Lemon Sharks, and Blue Sharks known as Carcharhinidae, they are the family's largest species. The Tiger Shark's skin can range from blue to light green with a light yellow or white belly. They use their colors in a camouflage technique known as countershading. Blending in with the light background as prey looks up and being dark on top to blend in with the deep water's dark blue hues. 


Tiger sharks are commonly found reaching 11 to 14 feet in length and weights of 800-1400 pounds. Like most fish, the Tiger Shark is dimorphic, meaning the females grow much larger than the males reaching exceptional sizes around 16-17 feet in length and weighing up to 2000 pounds. 

Interesting Facts 

Tiger Sharks are a solitary and nomadic species.

They have small pits on their snout which hold electroreceptors. These receptors can detect electrical fields and impulses in the water like those made from prey animals, helping them seek food. 

They follow currents of warm water and stay close to the equator during the winter months. 

The tiger stripes that give the shark its name fade as they grow older.

Tiger Sharks are generally slow swimmers, using their camouflage to get close to prey, but they are capable of very fast bursts of speed when attacking prey and are one of the strongest swimming sharks in their family. 

Fishing Techniques - How to Catch a Tiger Shark

One of the most popular fishing methods for this game fish is by using live bait and chumming or by trolling.  Live bait is the predominant method to catch Tiger Sharks. Some of the best bait, live or cut, is mackerel, bluefish, or tuna filets. Rods should have a 100-pound test monofilament and hooks ranging from 6/0 to 10/0. Heavy tackle in all regards from reels, rods, line, and leaders is required. 

Habitat and Distribution

Tiger Sharks can be found in coastal waters and are found mainly in tropical to subtropical climates. They can be found around deeper waters and reefs but will move up into shallow waters to seek food. While rarely seen in shallow water, they have been spotted in water as shallow as ten feet, although the average depth of tiger sharks is usually around 1000 feet. 

The range for the Tiger Shark is from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Florida's coasts around to the Gulf of Mexico.  On the west coast, they are populated from central California to Mexico.
