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February 11, 2021



Popping alternatively known as pop fishing, involves attracting and retrieving fish through an artificial bait that is dragged along the water surface while creating a popping sound. The popper (i.e. the lure used) is either made of wood or hard plastic, and has a cup shaped hollow mouth that when made to come in resistance to the surface of water, creates a popping sound like that which is created by an injured fish. Additionally, to make it look like a bait as well, it is painted and shaped in correspondence.

Kingfish, Mahi-mahi/Dolphin, Black Bass, Dentex, Kahawai, and Striped Marlin and other fish staying close to the surface, are from among the common species attracted by poppers. However, to try their luck with such big fish, anglers have to get such lures customized in accordance to the intensity of work. Popping anglers are found practicing this technique in regions including the tropical Pacific, Australia, Papua New Guinea, United States and specifically in New Zealand. And when it comes to finding a perfect spot, it can be any place with rocky structures and wrecks closer to the surface.

What to Expect When Popping

While embarking on a pop fishing journey, if you intend to abide by a promising tip, that’d be to keep your senses focused. After all, it’s all a game of decision making. Start with casting your bait to a spot where you happened to locate a fish. Since the goal is to imitate the motion of an injured prey or that of a frog, hop the lure for some time, and then let it lay still for a couple of seconds. Repeat such actions until you actually see a fish trying to get hold of your popper. Fish like Bass usually attack when the popper is lying motionless in an interval followed by vigorous twitches.

As for the tackle popping anglers need to look up to, that’s all going to be same as in case of any other fishing excursion, except for the lure. Use a braided line with a medium sized rod. And as for poppers, they come it two different types; 1) Spitters splashing water in front of them, 2) Chuggers creating a bubble of water above them. Whichever of the two you choose to use, will determine the hook as well. 

Fun fact: Poppers have popularly been used to catch Bass in America.

Tips for Popping

  1. Try to set your hook into the fish’s mouth once when it takes your bait underwater after ingesting it at the surface. Although you may feel a little impatient as it responds to the lure, yet practice patience to strike the hammer at the perfect time.
  2. Use poppers at any time in the day, however not at night. Danny Surface Swimmers are considered more apt for night time use.
  3. A calm water surface on a non-windy day is what you shall ideally look for when thinking to go for popping. 
  4. Your tackle (fishing gear) shall be in consistence with the size of the fish you are looking for.
  5. For such tiring work, you need to be physically fit to work all day long.

