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Possession Sound

Snohomish County, Washington. Possession Sound ends in Everett, Washington. 86515620.32 miles (139233437.54 sq kilometers)

About The Possession Sound

About Possession Sound, WA

Possession Sound is an inlet located in the American state of Washington that measures about nine nanometers (9 nm) in length and an estimate of three to six nanometers (3-6 nm) in width. Though it is large with its given measurement, the water body is actually only a small part of the bigger Puget Sound bay which has been regarded as an icon in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, considering especially that it is the second-largest estuary in the country. Aside from being a part of Puget Sound, Possession Sound also plays a role in connecting it to Port Susan situated in the north and Saratoga Passage located in the south.

Possession Sound’s history with America goes back a long way. It was in 1792 when the inlet was first explored by George Vancouver, a British officer of the Royal Navy. After he had conquered land in America, he decided to host a possession ceremony in the area in honor of the birthday of then King George III. The event eventually led to the bay being named “Possession Sound”.

Possession Sound Fishing Description

All About Fishing in Possession Sound, WA

Possession Sound is a water body with nutrient-filled waters that act as its natural filter. This natural filter is the reason why the inlet’s ecosystem is well-balanced and why it has been able to exhibit itself as a great home for big populations of plants and marine species, particularly coho, chum, Chinook, and pink salmon. Even though Possession Sound may have its own “natural filter” that would deem the bay healthy enough for fish populations to grow; local authorities have found chemical contaminants in some of the fish in the bay. It is for this reason that the local government has advised people that if they would eat the fish they catch from the bay, they should only consume one per week as so not to endanger their health.

The area of Possession Sound near Whidbey Island has been noted to be the best spot in the inlet to fish for salmon as it has been found to be more abundant in that area. Drift fishing using classic baitfish or salmon eggs as bait is a popular technique popular among anglers eyeing salmon.

Other notable spots in Possession Sound where one can also get their hands on a lot of salmon are the Scatchet Head and Indian Point. When in these areas, trolling has been regarded as the best go-to fishing technique.

Possession Sound Seasonal & Other Description

Fishing Seasonality

The best time for fishing in Possession Sound is in the early days of summer which is around the month of June when the tides move across an area in the inlet called “Possession Bar”. When this happens, the salmon tend to follow the bait more, making fishing easier.

While this may be so, this does not mean that fishing cannot be done in other seasons as the tides can also move in that same direction at any given time of the year. For instance, it may also happen in the winter when anglers may also find a fair share of salmon in the same areas they would in the summer. The only difference during this season is that one would have to run their gear through the bottom of the gravel of the bay as most of the salmon, particularly Chinook, are found there throughout the winter.

Temperature and Optimal Seasons

Fishing Seasonality

The best time for fishing in Possession Sound is in the early days of summer which is around the month of June when the tides move across an area in the inlet called “Possession Bar”. When this happens, the salmon tend to follow the bait more, making fishing easier.

While this may be so, this does not mean that fishing cannot be done in other seasons as the tides can also move in that same direction at any given time of the year. For instance, it may also happen in the winter when anglers may also find a fair share of salmon in the same areas they would in the summer. The only difference during this season is that one would have to run their gear through the bottom of the gravel of the bay as most of the salmon, particularly Chinook, are found there throughout the winter.

Possession Sound Fish Species

All About Fishing in Possession Sound, WA

Possession Sound is a water body with nutrient-filled waters that act as its natural filter. This natural filter is the reason why the inlet’s ecosystem is well-balanced and why it has been able to exhibit itself as a great home for big populations of plants and marine species, particularly coho, chum, Chinook, and pink salmon. Even though Possession Sound may have its own “natural filter” that would deem the bay healthy enough for fish populations to grow; local authorities have found chemical contaminants in some of the fish in the bay. It is for this reason that the local government has advised people that if they would eat the fish they catch from the bay, they should only consume one per week as so not to endanger their health.

The area of Possession Sound near Whidbey Island has been noted to be the best spot in the inlet to fish for salmon as it has been found to be more abundant in that area. Drift fishing using classic baitfish or salmon eggs as bait is a popular technique popular among anglers eyeing salmon.

Other notable spots in Possession Sound where one can also get their hands on a lot of salmon are the Scatchet Head and Indian Point. When in these areas, trolling has been regarded as the best go-to fishing technique.
