Guidesly Help Center

Company > Q&A > Guide > Getting Started > How Do I Become a Guidesly Guide?

Welcome, Guides! We’re excited that you want to join our team of guides. You can sign up on our website or on our mobile app. Just follow the steps below.


  1. Click the Become a Guide link at the top of the page (hyperlinked)
  2. Log in or create an account
  3. Take 5 minutes to input your user information, guide territory, and equipment.

Web Getting Started


  1. Download the Guidesly Pro App
  2. Log in or register for an account by tapping Join
  3. Hit the 3 dashes in the upper left hand corner to access your 'Profile'
  4. Take 5 minutes to input your user information, guide territory, and equipment

App Getting Started

Next Steps

  1. Make sure to watch your email. Our team will approve your application or suggest changes within 3 business days.
  2. Once we approve your profile, it will be live on Guidesly’s platform, and you’ll be able to start booking trips with customers.