Guidesly Help Center

Company > Q&A > Guide > Profile > How Do I Edit My Profile?

It’s always possible to edit your profile. It’s a quick and easy process on both our website and our app. Your profile includes everything from name, email, location, territory, meals, equipment, and more!


  1. When signed in, click your name in the top righthand corner
  2. Click Guide Admin in the dropdown
  3. Select Profile

You will have access to edit all details from the signup process.

![Web Profile Location]( =100%x100%)


  1. When signed in, click the 3 dashes at the top left of your screen
  2. Here you can access all of your account information

![App Getting Started]( =30%x100%)

You will have access to edit all details from the signup process.

In order to conveniently upload new photos, just click the camera icon in the top right.