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Lake Salvador

St. Charles County, Louisiana. Lake Salvador ends in Ama, Louisiana. 125.65 miles (202.21 sq kilometers)

About The Lake Salvador

About Lake Salvador, LA

Lake Salvador is a 44,800 acres estuary in Louisiana located twelve miles (12 mi) southwest of New Orleans and southeast of the Salvador Wildlife Management Area in the St. Charles Parish. It is fed by the Bayou Des Allemands and flows into the Gulf of Mexico.

The lake has a length of about 16 miles and a width of 12 miles with a depth of about six feet (6 ft.) With its given length and width, the water body is considered to be one of the biggest in the state, and with the measurement of its depth, it has been labeled as a shallow lake.

Throughout history, the lake has had many names. In 1732, it was given the name “Lac des Ounchas”. While in 1816, it was changed to Ouacha Lake. It was then officially given the name of Lake Salvador in 1916.

Lake Salvador Fishing Description

All About Fishing in Lake Salvador, LA

Lake Salvador is a habitat for many different marine species because of its characteristics. Due to the fact that it is surrounded by marshlands, the lake has served as home to a big population of catfish, red drum, bass, and speckled seatrout. The estuary has also attracted a significant number of shrimp and other species that prey on shrimp because of the low salinity in its brackish waters. Aside from those, the lake has had some young bull shark sightings. According to Marine Fisheries biologists from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, young bull sharks are naturally attracted to low salinity areas. Bull sharks are also one of the most aggressive shark species in the world which is why many have been told to be aware of their surroundings when conducting activities in the lake.

Knowing what bait to use to catch fish species in the lake is also important. Catfish opt to eat insects, plants, crawfish, and small fish. Red drum, on the other hand, find crabs, shrimp, sea robin, pinfish, mullet, and menhaden appealing as food. Bass choose to feed mostly on rats, mice, insects, and other fish. Meanwhile, the speckled seatrout’s diet consists of shrimp and small fish, and crustaceans.

Regarding choosing the best fishing spots, one would have to observe the wind. If the wind flows in an east to south direction, the southern region of the lake is the best place to catch fish. If the wind is coming from the south, the eastern shoreline would be a better option.

Lake Salvador Seasonal & Other Description

Fishing Seasonality

Mid-November until the month of January is the best time to fish in Lake Salvador. The fish tend to stay by the shoreline during the cool weather of these months, making it easier to catch them. Aside from that, the population of fish species in the lake, most especially that of the speckled seatrout, grow in big numbers during this time. Additionally, many gulls visit the lake throughout this period, especially within the month of November. These gulls position themselves in parts of the lake where there are the most fish. If one would fish in a spot in the lake where a couple of gulls are, one is bound to find a lot of fish or at least find fishing to be much easier.

Temperature and Optimal Seasons

Fishing Seasonality

Mid-November until the month of January is the best time to fish in Lake Salvador. The fish tend to stay by the shoreline during the cool weather of these months, making it easier to catch them. Aside from that, the population of fish species in the lake, most especially that of the speckled seatrout, grow in big numbers during this time. Additionally, many gulls visit the lake throughout this period, especially within the month of November. These gulls position themselves in parts of the lake where there are the most fish. If one would fish in a spot in the lake where a couple of gulls are, one is bound to find a lot of fish or at least find fishing to be much easier.

Lake Salvador Fish Species

All About Fishing in Lake Salvador, LA

Lake Salvador is a habitat for many different marine species because of its characteristics. Due to the fact that it is surrounded by marshlands, the lake has served as home to a big population of catfish, red drum, bass, and speckled seatrout. The estuary has also attracted a significant number of shrimp and other species that prey on shrimp because of the low salinity in its brackish waters. Aside from those, the lake has had some young bull shark sightings. According to Marine Fisheries biologists from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, young bull sharks are naturally attracted to low salinity areas. Bull sharks are also one of the most aggressive shark species in the world which is why many have been told to be aware of their surroundings when conducting activities in the lake.

Knowing what bait to use to catch fish species in the lake is also important. Catfish opt to eat insects, plants, crawfish, and small fish. Red drum, on the other hand, find crabs, shrimp, sea robin, pinfish, mullet, and menhaden appealing as food. Bass choose to feed mostly on rats, mice, insects, and other fish. Meanwhile, the speckled seatrout’s diet consists of shrimp and small fish, and crustaceans.

Regarding choosing the best fishing spots, one would have to observe the wind. If the wind flows in an east to south direction, the southern region of the lake is the best place to catch fish. If the wind is coming from the south, the eastern shoreline would be a better option.
