How to Get Better at Fishing Without Even Being on the Water

You really don't have to be on the water often to get better at fishing. Here are some ways to get better at fishing even while you're at home.

How to Get Better at Fishing Without Even Being on the Water
How to Get Better at Fishing Without Even Being on the Water
Team Guidesly

June 30, 2021, 4 min read

Updated on June 27, 2021

How to Get Better at Fishing Without Even Being on the Water
Team Guidesly

June 30, 2021, 4 min read

Updated on June 27, 2021

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Okay, so you’ve taken up fishing as a hobby. That’s great! As you probably know by now, recreational fishing is not only fun, it’s also great for your mind and your body. But the thing is, fishing can only be done when you have some extra time in your hands, especially if you’re living in the city and you have to travel for miles to get to a prime fishing location. So what if you’re constantly tied to your work and you just don’t have enough time to practice fishing? You’re probably thinking you’ll never get better at fishing—ever!

Well, sure, if you’re always out on the water, you’ll definitely get better at fishing as you can try out different techniques and equipment, not to mention you’ll be able to try targeting different types of game fish. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t refine your fishing skills if you rarely go out to fish out on the water. In fact, there are plenty of ways for you to practice without even being on water. It’s just a matter of thinking of various ways to learn more about the sport even when you’re stuck at work or home. So that when the time comes when you can actually drive out to the nearest fishing spot, you’d be able to apply the stuff you’ve learned and practiced at home. 


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Get Better at Fishing Even Without Being on Water


1.Research Bodies of Water

First of all, ask yourself which bodies of water nearby have you actually tried fishing in and how was your experience in these locations? Were you successful in catching at least one fish? If not, what went wrong? Learning more about these bodies of water—from the best season to fish in these waters to knowing the best spots to catch specific targets—will certainly help you be better prepared before you actually go and fish on them. Doing a bit of research online about a lake or river can help you “read the waters” better so you’ll know where you’d want to look for such as areas that may provide good cover for different fish species. Now, if you haven’t tried fishing in a particular body of water, all the more you should do some research about it.


2. Research Different Fish Species

As the popular G.I. Joe quote said: knowing is half the battle—and it applies to recreational fishing, especially if you’re targeting a specific fish. Again, your best ally in knowing more about certain fish species is the Internet. So, yes, read up about those basstrout, and pike before heading out to a river or a lake to catch them. With just a quick search online, you’ll be able to find and learn about your target’s preferred habitat, feeding habits, and overall behavior, which is really essential, as pros would tell you, if you’re going to be targeting this fish.


3. Research Equipment

The Internet would be your best friend here as you can easily learn about different gear you need to catch certain species with just a few keystrokes on your computer. You can also learn the proper way of using a type of gear, not to mention the best techniques and tricks in catching a fish in different types of habitat by reading up about different types of fishing equipment online.

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4. Watch Fishing Videos

Another way to learn more about different fishing methods and the best techniques in catching various fish species is by watching YouTube videos. Yes, there are literally thousands of fishing videos on this popular video-sharing site and you just have to look for them and get the latest tips and trends in fishing.


5. Read Reviews of Fishing Guides and Charters

One of the best ways to experience fishing in a certain location is by getting either a fishing guide or booking a charter. They will not only show you where to best cast your line, they will also give you some of the best tips in fishing. That said, before hiring a guide or a charter, you better read up about them via reviews online so that you get the most out of what you’re paying for by making sure who you’re hiring is exactly what they’re saying they are.


6. Keep Your Fishing Gear Well Maintained

It’s important for a soldier to keep his or her weapon well maintained because when one fails, it could literally mean the difference between life and death. The same goes with an angler and his or her fishing gear—well, not the life and death part but you get what we mean. We’re just saying that always keeping your rods, reels, and tackle in good condition will decrease the chances of you losing out on a feisty fish when the time comes. Furthermore, fishing gear is not exactly cheap so you might as well take good care of them, right?


7. Practice Casting

Improving your cast is one of the keys to success in fishing. So you will need to practice casting whenever you can. Yes, you can do so even when you’re not on the water—just find a target and try to hit it with your hook or lure, of course while connected to your line and rod. Just make sure you have enough room behind you or you might end up with the hook getting snagged on something.
