Lake Trout

Lake Trout

Species Details

Salvelinus Namaycush




5 - 15 lbs.

25" - 59"

What is Lake Trout Fishing?

Lake trout fishing is done by jigging in the deep waters where this saltwater species feed actively under low light conditions. Trolling or use of crankbaits are also helpful during peak season or spring when they stay in cold, shallow waters.

Lake Trout (Salvelinus Namaycush)

The lake trout is the largest member of the char family. Lake trout have a grey to green coloring with a lighter belly, the fish also have yellow to cream colored markings on its body and fins as well. Lake trout are known to be slow growing, and mature late in their lives and have low reproductive potential when compared to other species of game fish.

Lake Trout Habitat

Lake trout are a cold-water species, like a cold water species, they rely on high levels of oxygenation to survive. Lake trout are a very popular game fish and are the only major native game fish to inhabit deep and cold water of oligotrophic lakes, like those of northern Canada and the Great Lakes region. Most of the time the Salvelinus Namaycush can be found in these deep and cold water lakes suspended in the middle of the basin, sometimes at deep depths.


Lake trout have a relatively narrow distribution and range when compared to other species. Lake trout are found in the northern reaches of North America including the Great Lakes region and throughout Canada and parts of Alaska and to a lesser extent the Northeastern United States. Lake trout have also been artificially stocked in Europe like the Scandanavian country of Sweden. New Zealand, South America, and even parts of Asia have stocked populations of lake trout as well.

Lake Trout Size

Lake Trout are the largest of the char species, with sizes of 15-40 pounds not uncommon, and averages lengths of 24-36 inches. The world record Lake trout were caught on rod and reel Great Bear Lake in the Northwest Territories of Canada and was 72 pounds and had a length of 52 inches.

Lake Trout Facts

Lake Trout are known to hybridize with Brook Trout, creating a hybrid species known as “Splake” hybrid fish such as splake are usually sterile. And Fisheries around North America raise and stock splake in bodies of water to provide more sport fishing opportunities for fishermen. Due to being a cold water species Lake Trout in the southern reaches of their distribution and range tend to live in very deep water during the summer months, where the water temperatures are more suited to their needs.

Lake Trout Fishing

The best time to fish for Lake Trout really depends on factors like weather, These fish prefer to avoid bright light, so a good time to fish them are typically in overcast or low light conditions. Not only do lake trout prefer these conditions they also generally feed more frequently during these times. Most importantly is finding bodies of water with which lake trout inhabit, as they have such particular habitats and not all lakes can support them. Seeking out the deep water areas of these lakes are a great place to start. In the spring immediately after ice out can be a great time for fishermen to pursue lake trout, with the colder water temperature the fish can be found relatively shallow.

Lake Trout Fishing Lures

Jigging is the preferred method when targeting this species due to fishing in deep water. Lures like the Rapala Jigging Rap and lure that imitate wounded baitfish work great. Other great options are lures like jig heads with soft plastic paddle tail swimbaits used in a jigging fashion, skirted jigs and bladed jigging spoons are also great options. Crankbaits are great if the Fish are higher in the water column or if you're trolling, allowing the crankbaits to reach their maximum depth. Don't count out old fashioned spoons either, they can be a great tool to catch lake trout.

The Trout Family

Trout are members of the family Salmonidae, order Salmoniformes. The native trout family is closely related to salmon. A top fly fishing family of fish that are both tremendous game fish and tasty eating fish. Found in small streams, large rivers, and any trout stream with the right water temperature, aquatic insects, and clean water. The trout species is usually restricted to freshwater, though a few types migrate to the sea between spawnings.

Members of the trout species include Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Brook Trout, Lake Trout, Steelhead Trout, Bull Trout, Cutthroat Trout, Apache Trout and several other smaller species.
