10 Fascinating Facts About Dolphins

Learn how and why dolphins are such fascinating creatures through these 10 fun and interesting facts!

10 Fascinating Facts About Dolphins
10 Fascinating Facts About Dolphins
Team Guidesly

December 2, 2022, 5 min read

Updated on November 23, 2022

10 Fascinating Facts About Dolphins
Team Guidesly

December 2, 2022, 5 min read

Updated on November 23, 2022

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Dolphins are fascinating creatures because they are brilliant, and their brain development is similar to that of humans. Like humans, dolphins have their own language, show empathy, mourn their dead, and even recognize themselves in the mirror! As much as they are interesting, they’re also beloved animals because of how cute and playful they are. 

We’ve hardly scratched the surface of what we know about this spectacular marine animal. Know more about these fun and friendly creatures through these interesting facts you may be surprised to learn:

1. Dolphins are Found All Around the World and Can Live in Different Environments

bottlenose dolphins

There are around 40 dolphin species, most residing in saltwater areas. Some saltwater dolphins include bottlenose, spinner, and Risso’s; some live in freshwater areas such as the Amazon River, where four known dolphin species exist. There is also the possibly extinct baiji or Yangtze river dolphin native to China. Dolphins can live in nearly all aquatic environments, such as oceans, coastal areas, estuaries, and freshwater. They can also thrive in temperatures ranging from less than 0°C to more than 30°C.

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2. Dolphins are Carnivores

Dolphins eat a wide variety of food, including fish, squid, crustaceans, octopus, cephalopods, and other marine prey. Smaller dolphins stick to eating fish and other small prey while larger dolphins, like the killer whale (fun fact: the killer whale is actually a dolphin, and there are another dolphin species called false killer whale!), eat larger prey like sea birds, sea lions, sharks, and penguins. A dolphin pod will often work together to capture their food by surrounding and trapping their targets. Other dolphins will corner their prey into shallow or coastal waters. Although dolphins do have teeth, they’re not used for feeding. They use them to defend themselves and to grip objects. They also have two stomachs, one for food storage and the other for digestion.

3. Dolphins Use Half of Their Brain While Sleeping

Dolphins and whales engage in something called ‘unihemispheric slow-wave sleep,’ which means only one hemisphere of their brain shuts down when they sleep, and the opposite eye closes. It allows them to monitor what’s happening around them and regulate their breathing. Some dolphins can be motionless on the water’s surface while asleep. Each side of a dolphin brain gets four hours of sleep over 24 hours. 

4. Some Whales are Dolphins

We’ve already mentioned that killer whales, aka orcas, are actually dolphins. There are other cetaceans that most people believe are whales but also fall into the Delphinidae (dolphin) family. Orcas are the largest dolphin species. They are called killer whales because ancient sailors witnessed them hunting and preying on other whale species.

5. Dolphins are Loyal to Their Families

One of the most interesting dolphin facts is that they are dedicated to their families. They are highly social marine mammals that primarily live in groups or families called pods. They form matriarchal societies and will stay within their pod with friends and family members. Most of the time, marine mammals remain with their pod their entire lives. Male dolphins may separate and form small bachelor groups for a couple of years but return to their pods at some point.

6. Wild Dolphins Have a Long Lifespan

A dolphin’s life expectancy may vary, but the common bottlenose dolphin lives up to 50 years. Counting the rings inside each tooth can determine how old a dolphin is. In their free and natural environment, they may live an average of 45 to 60 years. Habitat, diet, health status, species, geography, and their level of endangerment are important factors in how long a dolphin lives. The most critical mortality time for a wild dolphin is their first two years of life because they’re most susceptible to predators, disease, and adverse climate conditions.

7. Dolphins Can Swim Over 20 MPH

A dolphin’s average speed is about 7 to 8 miles per hour, but some have been recorded to swim as fast as 25 MPH and 35 MPH while in a hurry or trying to escape something. They swim quickly because their tail or fluke produces powerful thrusts that push them through the water.

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8. Each Dolphin Has a Name

Scientists and researchers have proven that dolphins give themselves names identifying as individuals. A unique whistle develops the names they’re born with. One of the most amazing facts is that pregnant dolphins will work with their unborn baby dolphin in utero to help them develop their unique whistle before they’re born, so the pod recognizes them immediately.

9. Dolphin Skin Regenerates Fast

A dolphin’s skin only takes two hours to regenerate. It's a quick process because they need to keep their outer skin layers sleek, supple, and as ergonomic as possible to maintain their swimming efficiency and speed. They can regenerate missing chunks of skin in as little as two weeks if the damage isn't too severe, thanks to special stem cells.

10. Some Dolphin Heads Can Turn 180°

The Amazon River dolphin, famous for its pink color and large brains, can turn their heads 180 degrees. This is due to the unfused vertebrae in their necks that help them maneuver around sunken tree trunks, rocks, and other obstacles in their murky water habitats.


Dolphin Tours and Fishing Charters

After learning these fun facts about the common dolphin, you should check out some areas where you could find them while on your fishing tours. One of the most popular places you can go on a dolphin tour is Sarasota Bay in Florida. Best Coast Fishing Charters and Bay Walker One Charters are local guide services that’ll let you go angling in the area while potentially spotting some dolphins. Best Coast Fishing Charters offer fly fishing for red drum and other methods to catch various sport fish. Use your Florida Keys fishing license or Key West fishing license and see some dolphins around that popular fishing region. Local Grown Charters and Coral Sea Charters are based in the Florida Keys, a popular dolphin sighting destination.
