Book Your Fishing Charter in Chatham, MA

If you're planning a trip to Chatham and need to know the best places to visit, our guide has everything you need for a great experience in this beautiful town.

Book Your Fishing Charter in Chatham, MA
Book Your Fishing Charter in Chatham, MA
Team Guidesly

May 11, 2021, 3 min read

Updated on June 19, 2023

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Chatham is a coastline town located on the “elbow” of Cape Cod in Massachusetts and is known as a rustic fishing community and summer vacation spot. Out here, you can have an amazing outdoor experience with its pristine beaches and amazing coastline scenery.

Since it’s a coastal town, Chatham has various water sports activities, such as kayaking, paddle boarding, and boating. If you visit its Lighthouse Beach, Chatham Fish Pier, or Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge, you can even spot some seals on the surf. 

Chatham’s position on the coast overlooking the Atlantic Ocean makes it a prime angling destination. Fishing is a way of life in this quiet town, and just like any other location along Cape Cod, it's a haven for offshore fishing. Hiring one of our seasoned captains is the best way to navigate the deep waters and hook some beautiful fish. 

Summer in Chatham

You’ll have no problem catching cod and haddock any time of the year in Chatham, and when summer comes, you can land bluefin tuna and sharks nearshore. Crab Ledge, which is only 6-miles east of Chatham Inlet, is called “tuna country” because it's a hotspot for bluefin tuna. Small charter boats can easily drift here. Hiring a seasoned guide will show you other spots to go where the catch is just as bountiful. 

Another popular fishing spot in Chatham is Morris Island, and this is where you can find Chatham’s prized striped bass. When the season is right, you can sight cast for stripers right from the shore. This fish is so plentiful you can throw a line into the water and catch a fish without much effort. 

Black seabass is also well-known in Chatham but is notorious for its short season. It’s best to come here from early June until August if you want to hook one of these beautiful fish. Light tackle, fly fishing, and surfcasting near Chatham's many harbors and beaches are great during this time. 


Beaches, Seals, and Railroads in Chatham


1.Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge

The Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge is a protected area with a total area of 7,604 acres. There are five endangered species of birds at this refuge, recuperating its populations. This is also a popular spot for seals to visit to give birth, and their populations can reach up to 50,000 individuals resting on the shore.


2. Chatham Railroad Museum

The Chatham Railroad Depot was a functioning station from 1887 to 1930. On its original location, the Chatham Railroad Museum was opened to preserve this historical icon and house various relics and antiques related to trains. 


3. Chatham Lighthouse and Beach

Also known as Twin Lights, Chatham Lighthouse is a popular destination for tourists in this area. Built in 1808, it still stands as an active National Coast Guard Station today. Tours here are on schedules, so be sure to check when they are available. If you don’t want to climb the lighthouse for the spectacular view, you can take a charming stroll along the miles of coastline on Lighthouse Beach.


4. Best Beaches in Chatham

These are the beaches you should visit when you're in Chatham: Lighthouse Beach, Ridgevale Beach, Cockle Cove Beach.


Fish in Chatham and beyond.
