Book Your Fishing Charter in Winthrop, MA

Thinking of a place where you can fish almost all year round? Winthrop, MA, is where you should go for a great fishing experience.

Book Your Fishing Charter in Winthrop, MA
Book Your Fishing Charter in Winthrop, MA
Team Guidesly

August 31, 2021, 3 min read

Updated on June 19, 2023

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Located just a stone’s throw away from Boston is the city of Winthrop. This is the perfect place to experience Massachusetts fishing without needing to go all the way to Cape Cod. Being close to the state’s capital makes it easily accessible to anglers, while its waters teem with a variety of gamefish that will make them come back for more. Anglers will find plenty of striped bass, little tunny, and bluefish swimming its waters, and if they’re looking for a bigger catch, the Atlantic is just a boat away. Winthrop isn’t just for saltwater anglers; you can also find lakes and streams here that are teeming with smallmouth bass and flathead catfish as well. So if you’re new to fishing in Massachusetts and don’t know where to begin, Winthrop is the perfect place to do so.

Winthrop: Fishing at the Heart of Massachusetts

Another factor that makes Winthrop popular with anglers is the fact that they can fish here anytime. With such a large variety of gamefish in its waters, anglers will have to make multiple trips back here to catch all of them. The spring and summer months of May through October are the peak months in Winthrop, where almost all of its gamefish appear in large numbers. Not only are they most common during these months, but they’re also easier to catch because of the warmer waters as well. If you visit during the winter months, don’t fret. You will find flounder and halibut in large numbers in Winthrop’s waters. 

The top fish species to target are: 

  • Striped bass: Will start appearing in large numbers in May and will peak from June to October
  • Little tunny: This fish will start appearing in July and will peak from August to October
  • Bluefish: Will peak from June to September but will remain in large numbers in October
  • Black sea bass: Will peak from May to August but won’t be available during January-April and September-December.
  • Summer flounder: This fish peaks from May to September, but it will remain common from October to January. 

Winthrop, MA: Not Just An Urban Fishing Haven

With the city of Boston and other nearby urban areas just close by, visitors in Winthrop will have a hard time being bored during their trip here. From beautiful beaches to treating your tastebuds, there is something for everyone in Winthrop. 

1.Relaxing at the Many Beaches in the Area

It should come as no surprise that a city located on a peninsula would have plenty of beaches. Visitors who wish to enjoy the beach but don’t want to travel far from an urban area will find Winthrop and the nearby beaches to it the perfect destination. Here you can relax, sunbathe, and do outdoor activities at your heart’s content. 

2. Satisfy Your Cravings at the Little Asia Restaurant

Craving for Asian food? Then head onto East Boston and visit the Little China restaurant. This restaurant’s main attraction is its selection of delicious Asian food that’ll make visitors come back for more. Aside from that, the staff is friendly and accommodating to customers, ensuring that you’ll have a wonderful time eating here. 

Fish in Winthrop and beyond.
