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Arroyo Grande Creek

San Luis Obispo County, California. Arroyo Grande Creek midpoint in Arroyo Grande, California. Arroyo Grande Creek ends in Oceano, California.3 feet (1 meters) 22.25 miles long (35.80 kilometers) 993948.73 miles (1599605.93 sq kilometers)

About The Arroyo Grande Creek

Arroyo Grande Creek is a River located in San Luis Obispo County, CA. Starting in Arroyo Grande, CA the Arroyo Grande Creek flows 22 miles through Arroyo Grande, CA before ending in Oceano, CA. The Arroyo Grande Creek rises to an elevation of 3 feet and has a surface area of 617,611 square miles. Find maps, fishing guides, weather and recreation information at Guidesly.


About Arroyo Grande Creek, CA

Arroyo Grande Creek is one of the main streams located in San Luis Obispo County. Situated in the Central Coast of California, this creek flows about 22 miles (35 km) directed towards the southwestern portion which starts in Santa Lucia Range until the Pacific Ocean. 

The creek derives its name from its Spanish translation, “large watercourse.” Otherwise referred to as “Roaring Grande,” Arroyo Grande Creek supplies the water for the southern part of San Luis Obispo. 

Arroyo Grande Creek used to experience chronic flooding back in the 1950s. Because of this, the lower 3 miles of Arroyo Grande Creek were channelized in 1959. Surrounding tributaries also benefited and were channelized such as Tar Springs and Los Barros Creeks. The installation of floodgates between Arroyo Grande Creek and Meadow Creek made it easier to control the water flow in the location, keeping the nearby homes protected.

Arroyo Grande Creek Fishing Description

All About Fishing in Arroyo Grande Creek, CA

The top fish species to catch in Arroyo Grande Creek would be surf smelt, barred surfperch and largemouth bass. Since steelhead trout in the creek were listed as a threatened species, fishing for steelhead in Arroyo Grande Creek is not permitted. For anglers who wish to cast a line for other species, some other fishing spots around the area are accessible like Pismo Creek, Meadow Creek, Pismo Lake, Big Pocket Lake, Willow Lake, Los Berros Lake, and Hospital Lake. 

Anglers who want to reel in some barred surfperch should consider using soft-shelled sand crabs as bait. This fish species also goes for mussels, clams, and blood worms. Surf fishing is the technique that anglers usually go for to catch this fish species. Largemouth bass species bite in for fish like shiners, minnows, or shad. Crawfish also serve as bait for this species. To catch some largemouth bass, anglers can go for jig fishing which can be done inshore or offshore. 

Arroyo Grande Creek Seasonal & Other Description

Fishing Seasonality

The best recorded time to fish in Arroyo Grande Creek would be from 12:35 to 2:35 AM on its first peak; and on its second peak, from 1:05 to 3:05 PM. Another alternated fishing time for anglers to consider would be 6:45 to 8:45 AM. For anglers who are eyeing a catch of largemouth bass species and barred surfperch, they are readily available all year-round but largemouth bass are more prevalent in spring and fall, while barred surfperch are more productive in spring and then from June to July. 

Anglers must watch out for the weather forecast if they plan to schedule a fishing trip during these seasons since the weather plays a vital role in the turnout of an angler’s fishing trip. It would be practical to be prepared and carry a light jacket in case the rain pours unexpectedly. 

Temperature and Optimal Seasons

Fishing Seasonality

The best recorded time to fish in Arroyo Grande Creek would be from 12:35 to 2:35 AM on its first peak; and on its second peak, from 1:05 to 3:05 PM. Another alternated fishing time for anglers to consider would be 6:45 to 8:45 AM. For anglers who are eyeing a catch of largemouth bass species and barred surfperch, they are readily available all year-round but largemouth bass are more prevalent in spring and fall, while barred surfperch are more productive in spring and then from June to July. 

Anglers must watch out for the weather forecast if they plan to schedule a fishing trip during these seasons since the weather plays a vital role in the turnout of an angler’s fishing trip. It would be practical to be prepared and carry a light jacket in case the rain pours unexpectedly. 

Arroyo Grande Creek Fish Species

All About Fishing in Arroyo Grande Creek, CA

The top fish species to catch in Arroyo Grande Creek would be surf smelt, barred surfperch and largemouth bass. Since steelhead trout in the creek were listed as a threatened species, fishing for steelhead in Arroyo Grande Creek is not permitted. For anglers who wish to cast a line for other species, some other fishing spots around the area are accessible like Pismo Creek, Meadow Creek, Pismo Lake, Big Pocket Lake, Willow Lake, Los Berros Lake, and Hospital Lake. 

Anglers who want to reel in some barred surfperch should consider using soft-shelled sand crabs as bait. This fish species also goes for mussels, clams, and blood worms. Surf fishing is the technique that anglers usually go for to catch this fish species. Largemouth bass species bite in for fish like shiners, minnows, or shad. Crawfish also serve as bait for this species. To catch some largemouth bass, anglers can go for jig fishing which can be done inshore or offshore. 
