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Crooked Bayou

Liberty County, Texas. Crooked Bayou midpoint in Hankamer, Texas. Crooked Bayou ends in Hankamer, Texas.16 feet (5 meters) 7.77 miles long (12.50 kilometers)

About The Crooked Bayou

About Crooked Bayou, FL

Crooked Bayou can be found in Liberty County, Texas. It is 10 miles long and is elevated by five meters above sea level. 

The river is near other bodies of water, such as Lake Anahuac, Dutton Lake, Trinity Bay, East Bay, and many more. Besides that, Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge is just a few minutes away if you want to have other recreational activities with friends and family. This wildlife refuge is open to the public where you will get to enjoy a 37,000-acre land with lots of different activities. 

Crooked Bayou Fishing Description

All About Fishing in Crooked Bayou, FL

The potassium and nitrogen-rich freshwaters of Crooked Bayou allow vegetation and other aquatic lives to thrive in the river. There are lots of fish species that anglers and recreational fishers can catch in this river. These species include blue catfish, channel catfish, black drum, and largemouth bass

A blue catfish will enjoy any bait, but fresh shads and skipjack have been the most effective. Just remember that when using the baitcasting fishing method in catching this fish, always have fresh baits ready. On the other hand, you can also use light tackle when catching smaller blue catfish and if you want to target bigger ones, you must also beef up your tackle. 

If you want to catch a channel catfish instead, then the best way to do that is through baitcasting. This fish also prefers all types of bait, such as shad, minnows, and worms. In fact, any bait that has a strong smell will attract a channel catfish. You may also opt for artificial lures. Diving plugs and jigs will surely do the trick. Still fishing and drift fishing are also must-try methods in catching this fish as these techniques work in all of its habitats.

The black drum, on the other hand, is a bottom feeder and can be caught most effectively by dropping blue crabs, clams, and shrimps on bridge pilings and around the pier. You can also use these baits along with artificial jigs and lures or you can also try trolling some spoons. Moreover, there are fishermen that prefer to catch this fish using the heavy tackle method as this fish can grow up to more than 140 pounds. 

Lastly, the largemouth bass can be caught using live baits. You may try shiners, shads, minnows, and crawfish. You may also use artificial lures such as paddle tail swimbaits, crankbaits, jigs, and topwater plugs. 

You can enjoy both inshore and offshore fishing in Crooked Bayou. The only good thing when you hop into a boat or kayak is that you will get a chance to find some bottom-dwelling fish species. Just keep in mind to follow the Texas Fishing Rules and Regulations when you are here. 

Crooked Bayou Seasonal & Other Description

Fishing Seasonality

When catching a blue catfish, it is important to know that this is a nocturnal species and is best caught during nighttime. Its body built allows it to feed even under almost no visibility conditions. They have a great sense of smell, which is why you are advised to use baits with a strong aroma. Furthermore, its number is good during mid-winter and early spring, which occurs every January to February and March to April. 

On the other hand, if you are after catching a black drum, it is best to target it during its spawning season, which starts from January to April and peaks during February to March.

Temperature and Optimal Seasons

Fishing Seasonality

When catching a blue catfish, it is important to know that this is a nocturnal species and is best caught during nighttime. Its body built allows it to feed even under almost no visibility conditions. They have a great sense of smell, which is why you are advised to use baits with a strong aroma. Furthermore, its number is good during mid-winter and early spring, which occurs every January to February and March to April. 

On the other hand, if you are after catching a black drum, it is best to target it during its spawning season, which starts from January to April and peaks during February to March.

Crooked Bayou Fish Species

All About Fishing in Crooked Bayou, FL

The potassium and nitrogen-rich freshwaters of Crooked Bayou allow vegetation and other aquatic lives to thrive in the river. There are lots of fish species that anglers and recreational fishers can catch in this river. These species include blue catfish, channel catfish, black drum, and largemouth bass

A blue catfish will enjoy any bait, but fresh shads and skipjack have been the most effective. Just remember that when using the baitcasting fishing method in catching this fish, always have fresh baits ready. On the other hand, you can also use light tackle when catching smaller blue catfish and if you want to target bigger ones, you must also beef up your tackle. 

If you want to catch a channel catfish instead, then the best way to do that is through baitcasting. This fish also prefers all types of bait, such as shad, minnows, and worms. In fact, any bait that has a strong smell will attract a channel catfish. You may also opt for artificial lures. Diving plugs and jigs will surely do the trick. Still fishing and drift fishing are also must-try methods in catching this fish as these techniques work in all of its habitats.

The black drum, on the other hand, is a bottom feeder and can be caught most effectively by dropping blue crabs, clams, and shrimps on bridge pilings and around the pier. You can also use these baits along with artificial jigs and lures or you can also try trolling some spoons. Moreover, there are fishermen that prefer to catch this fish using the heavy tackle method as this fish can grow up to more than 140 pounds. 

Lastly, the largemouth bass can be caught using live baits. You may try shiners, shads, minnows, and crawfish. You may also use artificial lures such as paddle tail swimbaits, crankbaits, jigs, and topwater plugs. 

You can enjoy both inshore and offshore fishing in Crooked Bayou. The only good thing when you hop into a boat or kayak is that you will get a chance to find some bottom-dwelling fish species. Just keep in mind to follow the Texas Fishing Rules and Regulations when you are here. 
