About The Little Neck Bay
Little Neck Bay is located in Queens County, New York, divided between the counties of Queens and Nassau. It is a long harbor with a slight depth and easily accessible from East Atlantic Beach. This bay is known to have significant resources that give New Yorkers remarkable recreational water sports facilities and bird-watching territories; this water body also offers leisure activities such as boating, fishing, and swimming.
Little Neck Bay's open water surface covers around 1400 acres and is slightly over a mile wide at its expected widest point. The water from the center, which is from 6 to 12 feet, is less than 8 feet deep in the other parts of the bay, having an average low tide height from most of the surrounding bay. The bay is considered one of the cleanest bays in New York City, and shaped like a triangle with an open base leading to the Long Island Sound.
Little Neck Bay Fishing Description
Little Neck Bay is an estuary, an ecosystem in which fresh and saltwater meet--the fresh runoff from the land mixes and dilutes the saltier waters of Long Island Sound. The most common species collected here are bluefish, striped bass, black sea bass, and white weakfish. This bay is among the most abundant ecosystems on the planet, producing more organic matter than comparably sized areas of forest or agriculture. The area is also known as a good rest and feeding area for migrating birds and a breeding site for commercially valuable fish and shellfish.
If you are into snare fishing, this place is for you as many people prefer this type of fishing here in Little Neck Bay. The entire western coast of Little Neck Bay is regularly occupied by anglers who are active in exploring the waters. As some anglers advise, in choosing large-quality fish, you must use light gear and a small lure for more chances of getting high fish counts--big equipment is to few fish as light equipment is to many fish; it is also a better experience if you are in a kayak to roam around the bay.
Crocheron Park, United States Merchant Marine Academy, Throgs Neck Bridge, and Catherine Turner Richardson Park are notable locations around the bay.
Little Neck Bay Seasonal & Other Description
If you are interested in exploring Little Neck Bay for your fishing experience, take note that stripers flood Little Neck Bay every year in late March or early April when the sun is higher and the water heats due to a dark heat-absorbing mud bottom. As water temperatures increase, sand eels and bunkers emerge from deeper water nearby and enter the bay, trailed by stripers. Little Neck Bay holds fish throughout the winter season, but catching varies in different seasons. In spring, the best water temperature for catching fish is around 48-52 degrees, this is also called the “magic number.” Fall is the best season to catch striped bass especially when the tide is going up and down--during peak or slack tide--and at the time before dusk and dawn.
Temperature and Optimal Seasons
If you are interested in exploring Little Neck Bay for your fishing experience, take note that stripers flood Little Neck Bay every year in late March or early April when the sun is higher and the water heats due to a dark heat-absorbing mud bottom. As water temperatures increase, sand eels and bunkers emerge from deeper water nearby and enter the bay, trailed by stripers. Little Neck Bay holds fish throughout the winter season, but catching varies in different seasons. In spring, the best water temperature for catching fish is around 48-52 degrees, this is also called the “magic number.” Fall is the best season to catch striped bass especially when the tide is going up and down--during peak or slack tide--and at the time before dusk and dawn.