10 Reasons to Go Fishing

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10 Reasons to Go Fishing
10 Reasons to Go Fishing
Team Guidesly

June 17, 2022, 5 min read

Updated on June 13, 2022

10 Reasons to Go Fishing
Team Guidesly

June 17, 2022, 5 min read

Updated on June 13, 2022

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As a devoted angler, you probably don’t need ten reasons to go fishing because you have experienced the unique joys of the sport yourself. But if you need help verbalizing exactly why fishing is a hobby or passion worth pursuing, especially to people around you who may be interested but are still not entirely convinced, then here are 10 great fishing benefits that may resonate with them.

1. A Holistic Form of Exercise

Sure, going to the gym is a great way to exercise, but nothing feels better than going outdoors and getting active in the sun. Here’s a tip: fishing is already a low-impact workout, but you can add even more to your activity by adding a bit of hiking, boating, or biking to your fishing outing. You can also try more challenging fishing techniques like fly fishing or jigging. Targeting a trophy fish that puts up a lot of fight can be quite exhilarating and requires plenty of action.

2. A Way to Fight Depression and Other Mental Health Concerns

man looking at his fishing rod near the sea

Fishing benefits mental health — it gets you outdoors, exposes you to the healing effects of the sun and greenery, allows you to move around, and is a great form of stress relief. Getting away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and escaping the distractions of modern living should prove to be a balm to your mental well-being. 

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3. A Source of Self-Fulfillment and Achievement

Whether you’re fishing for food, recreation, or sport, you can’t help but set a goal for yourself when fishing. And when you try to achieve that goal, the very effort itself feels fulfilling. Setting incremental goals for yourself when fishing and then meeting them one by one can be a slow and sometimes arduous process, but one thing’s for sure: it’s always going to give you a sense of fulfillment and achievement.

Another way to add to the feeling of self-fulfillment is by imparting your skills and knowledge of fishing. Teaching kids how to fish, participating in online forums and sharing your advice, or helping a fellow angler out in the water can feel gratifying — adding to your confidence while also providing value in other people’s lives.

4. An Avenue to Learn Different Skills

If you’re serious about fishing, you’ll know there’s no end to the skills you can learn from the sport. But apart from learning different fishing techniques or specific ways to target a certain catch or fish in a new environment, fishing teaches you important life skills and lessons. It teaches you to be patient, care for the environment, and respect your co-anglers.

5. An Excellent Opportunity for Social Bonding

If you’re looking for a fun and unique activity to enjoy with your entire family, why not teach your child to fish or go on an entire fishing trip on your next vacation? Fishing is often done in peaceful and relaxing places, free from the distractions of the modern world. It’s a great way to impart wisdom to your children and a nice change of pace for everyone.

Apart from being a great family bonding experience, fishing can also open you up to meaningful friendships. By sharing a common love for the sport, you can make new friends or strengthen old bonds.

6. Helping with Fishing Conservation Efforts

Purchasing fishing licenses to fish in particular locations goes a long way in helping the conservation efforts of those areas. These proceeds usually go to research and projects that help protect our aquatic resources.

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As you fish more regularly, you get to commune with nature on a deeper and closer level. Having such a relationship with nature allows you to see the importance of preserving and protecting our environment.

7. A Chance to Support the Country’s Wildlife and Fisheries Management

For years now, anglers have been the ultimate supporters of wildlife and fisheries management in the country. We all do it because we can see the effects of overharvesting and pollution on the sport we love and the environment that provides us with so much. We can support our country's wildlife and fisheries management efforts by fishing only during open seasons, abiding by creel limits, and practicing catch and release.

8. Boosting the Economy/Tourism in an Area

Whether you’re fishing in your local hole or traveling to another region to fish, you’re already helping boost the economy and tourism of that area. Simply by going places, you’re supporting various businesses that may or may not be related to fishing, which brings the cash in. Your presence can be a boon to the tourism industry as well. 

9. A Healthy Food Source

Fish is a healthy and natural source of protein and is low in cholesterol, apart from being tasty. There’s nothing quite like eating fish that you have reeled in yourself. And if you’re eating your catch with your family, it imparts a great lesson to your children. More kids nowadays have no idea where their food comes from, so feeding them fish that you caught will make them appreciate the environment and show them that fresh is always better than preserved food.

10. Fun in the Great Outdoors

If anything else, fishing is just great fun. It’s a thrilling and challenging sport you can do in the great outdoors. You can enjoy it on your own, with your family or friends, or even with perfect strangers. You can be as intense with it as you please or do it as a relaxing form of outdoor recreation. And whether you make a week-long excursion out of it or a quick day trip, it never disappoints. You don’t even need to catch a single fish to call your fishing trip a success — though, of course, filling your bucket won’t hurt either. Plus, wherever you choose to do it — in a fishing spot right by your own house or in an entirely different state, you’ll always be treated to an inspiring view of nature.
