Adventures in San Juan Fishing – Tips & Tricks

San Juan fishing is a one-of-a-kind experience every angler should do, as it’s some of the best trout fishing you can do in North America.

Adventures in San Juan Fishing – Tips & Tricks
Adventures in San Juan Fishing – Tips & Tricks
Team Guidesly

January 18, 2023, 5 min read

Updated on March 9, 2023

Adventures in San Juan Fishing – Tips & Tricks
Team Guidesly

January 18, 2023, 5 min read

Updated on March 9, 2023

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The San Juan River is one of the Colorado River’s major tributaries, providing the chief drainage for the Four Corners region of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona. San Juan fishing is a must for any angler because the river is world-renowned for its excellent trout fishing. You can experience the year-round, world-class trout fishing on San Juan fishing tours in its section called ‘Quality Waters’ below the Navajo Dam in Navajo Lake State Park. Quality Waters consists of a 3.5-mile river portion (with special regulations in place) where you can spot unbelievable numbers of beautiful rainbow trout, brown trout, and cutthroat trout. Superb fishing is also available for 12 miles below the catch-and-release area.

The San Juan River is also revered as a USA Top-10 Fly Fishing Destination. Its water from the bottom of the Navajo Dam is stable, clear, cold, and rich in nutrients, making it a fantastic spot for anglers on freshwater fishing trips. You won’t have a tough time finding and catching fish from the river. Hiring San Juan River fishing guides or charters will let you navigate it more effectively, and you can acquire expert and local knowledge that will increase your chances of success. Here are the basics of what you should expect when fishing in the San Juan River:

Why Fishing in the San Juan River is Special

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The beauty and magic of why San Juan is a renowned fishing destination are because of its tailwaters that flow out of Navajo Dam, consistently making the waters flow and maintaining temperatures that are ideal for fishing any time of the year. The water temperature paired with the existing nutrients when the river was impounded in 1962. This made it a bug factory that aided in the thriving of stocked trout because they had an abundance of food. That’s why the trout grow into large sizes, with rainbows and browns averaging around 16 to 18 inches in length. 

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The best area to fish in the San Juan River is in northern New Mexico — where the Quality Waters are. The section is low-gradient and easily floatable in any season. It provides a unique fly fishing experience because the water conditions are excellent, and you get to enjoy the breathtaking desert canyon scenery. New Mexico takes pride in preserving the river, so you get to enjoy its abundance by following catch-and-release fishing and lure-only regulations.

What You Need for San Juan River Fishing

Hiring San Juan fishing guides is the best way to experience the river fully. Here are some other things you need to have a fun and safe fishing trip in its waters:

1. Appropriate Clothing

Waders and boots are necessary if you want the whole experience of fishing the San Juan River. Its waters are perfect for wading, but you have to have waders or boots that aren’t leaky to keep warm because its waters are consistently cold. Your footwear should also have cleats or aluminum bars because the river bottom is covered in slimy snot-like moss that may get you to slip. Warm layers on your lower half are recommended, and you should avoid cotton because it absorbs cold water easily. You should also put more layers on your upper half during the winter. You should have polarized sunglasses that protect your eyes from the sun and getting hit with your hook.

2. Fly Gear

Since it’s a trout fishery, 4 to 6-weight fly rods are standard. The best for all-around is a 9-foot, 5-weight fly rod. A solid drag is key for your fly reel since you’ll use a light tippet. It will keep you from breaking off any big fish. A floating line is ideal for a fly line, but anything that matches well with your rod and reel is good. Leaders and tippets are important because the trout have become accustomed to anglers and their drifting flies. 

3. Flies

Small flies work best in San Juan. Fish in the river frequently target and eat small midges and annelids. Midges are a staple for trout all year. Blue-winged olives work best in the spring and fall. Annelids and aquatic worms work well all year, especially when fishing near the dam. Leeches can be used year-round but are particularly effective in the fall and winter. Trout eggs with a nymph rig work best in the spring and fall. PMD and caddis are ideal in the lower stretches in the summer. Hoppers can be used in lower water in the summer. Trout go nuts for large flying ants in the summer along the banks. Baitfish like sculpin and fingerling trout are productive in the lower stretches.

5. Accessories

Other tools you need are forceps, nippers, indicators, a storage pack, sunscreen, and a leader straightener. These all will make your fly fishing experience better and safer.

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San Juan River Fishing Tips

The most important thing to do when you’re fly fishing in the river is to take the time to observe. Notice your surroundings and come up with the best combination that you think will effectively catch fish where you’re at. Make changes only when things aren’t working. Casting a drag-free drift is common because it makes your flies look more natural. Cast a nymph rig openly so you don’t get tangled lines when throwing it over 20 feet away.

Trout Fishing Charters

The San Juan River should be experienced by any avid angler, especially those who love trout. Ready your fishing license and hire a fishing charter to have a wonderful trip in the river! You can also check out other trout fishing charters like Western Waters Fishing which also targets trout in trailwaters in Utah. Lo Water Guide Service in Arizona offers fly fishing trips where you target trout, bass, and carp. Ron Ron Fishing Charters takes you trout fishing in Louisiana. Matt Dorsey Fly Fishing shows you the best trout spots in Georgia.
