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Barnes Sound

Monroe County, Florida. Barnes Sound ends in Key Largo, Florida. 42248627.44 miles (67992596.12 sq kilometers)

About The Barnes Sound

About Barnes Sound, FL 

Barnes Sound is situated at the southern tip of Florida and streams towards the north end of Main Key. This embayment is positioned between Key Largo and the mainland. Other bodies of water that surround Barnes Sound are Manatee Bay, Saunders Creek, Thursday Cove, Manatee Creek, and Mosquito Creek by North Key Largo. 

Studies have been conducted by The Journal of Coastal Research as published by the Coastal Education and Research Foundation regarding the record of ecosystem change in Barnes Sound, Florida. Some factors that affected the change were the trends by subtle occurrences contributing to the construction of the Flagler Railway, water management implementation, and the flowing channel of freshwater in South Florida. The study provided greater comprehension with regards to understanding the South Florida ecosystem. 

Barnes Sound Fishing Description

All About Fishing in Barnes Sound, FL 

The fish species that are commonly found in Barnes Sound are crevalle jack, ladyfish, and great barracuda. Anglers who are into fishing-spot-hopping can check out these locations to cast a line for some other species: Little Card Sound, Model Land Canal, Saunders Creek, Canal L 31 E, Card Point Cut, Mosquito Creek, Card Sound, Glades Canal, Tubbys Creek, and Manatee Bay. Red grouper species can be spotted by anglers in Manatee Bay that is close in proximity to Barnes Sound. 

Anglers who plan to do some off-shore fishing should be aware that vertical clearance limitations are mandated and boats with significant helm bridges would have a decreased chance of navigating under. Nonetheless, another option to consider would be passing through the north Key Largo through Jewfish Creek to get to Barnes. As for anglers who prefer in-shore, dropping by Key Largo which is a nearby fishing spot, would be recommended for those who desire to reel in some sea trout and grouper species. 

Barnes Sound Seasonal & Other Description

Fishing Seasonality 

Fish activity tends to heighten in this bay from Thursday to Sunday. On the contrary, fishing on Mondays would not be the most practical thing to do in Barnes Sound due to the low productivity of fish on this specific day of the week. The best fishing times to consider would be from 1:13 AM to 3:13 AM and from 2:42 PM to 4:42 PM, as these times are recorded to be the most efficient for most anglers who have tested these waters. In case these times are not suitable for those with hectic schedules, trying out the alternative fishing times of 7:06 AM to 9:06 AM or 7:36 to 9:36 PM would be the best way to go. 

In terms of seasonality, groupers are evident in Barnes Sound from November to March. Kingfish and sailfish species can also be seen in the waters of Florida from December to March. Other notable species for anglers to watch out for in this bay would be yellowtail and blue marlin species that are likely to be seen in the month of April. On the other hand, cobia and mutton snapper species peak in the month of March. Typically, anglers can fish for several species in the location all year round. Although this is the case, it would be best for those who plan to catch specific fish species to check on their preferred fish’s spawning season. It is also worth mentioning that the weather forecast plays a vital role in keeping anglers’ trips sailing smooth and steady. 

Temperature and Optimal Seasons

Fishing Seasonality 

Fish activity tends to heighten in this bay from Thursday to Sunday. On the contrary, fishing on Mondays would not be the most practical thing to do in Barnes Sound due to the low productivity of fish on this specific day of the week. The best fishing times to consider would be from 1:13 AM to 3:13 AM and from 2:42 PM to 4:42 PM, as these times are recorded to be the most efficient for most anglers who have tested these waters. In case these times are not suitable for those with hectic schedules, trying out the alternative fishing times of 7:06 AM to 9:06 AM or 7:36 to 9:36 PM would be the best way to go. 

In terms of seasonality, groupers are evident in Barnes Sound from November to March. Kingfish and sailfish species can also be seen in the waters of Florida from December to March. Other notable species for anglers to watch out for in this bay would be yellowtail and blue marlin species that are likely to be seen in the month of April. On the other hand, cobia and mutton snapper species peak in the month of March. Typically, anglers can fish for several species in the location all year round. Although this is the case, it would be best for those who plan to catch specific fish species to check on their preferred fish’s spawning season. It is also worth mentioning that the weather forecast plays a vital role in keeping anglers’ trips sailing smooth and steady. 

Barnes Sound Fish Species

All About Fishing in Barnes Sound, FL 

The fish species that are commonly found in Barnes Sound are crevalle jack, ladyfish, and great barracuda. Anglers who are into fishing-spot-hopping can check out these locations to cast a line for some other species: Little Card Sound, Model Land Canal, Saunders Creek, Canal L 31 E, Card Point Cut, Mosquito Creek, Card Sound, Glades Canal, Tubbys Creek, and Manatee Bay. Red grouper species can be spotted by anglers in Manatee Bay that is close in proximity to Barnes Sound. 

Anglers who plan to do some off-shore fishing should be aware that vertical clearance limitations are mandated and boats with significant helm bridges would have a decreased chance of navigating under. Nonetheless, another option to consider would be passing through the north Key Largo through Jewfish Creek to get to Barnes. As for anglers who prefer in-shore, dropping by Key Largo which is a nearby fishing spot, would be recommended for those who desire to reel in some sea trout and grouper species. 
