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Martins Run, Pleasant Plain

Warren County, Ohio. Martins Run, Pleasant Plain midpoint in Pleasant Plain, Ohio. Martins Run, Pleasant Plain ends in Pleasant Plain, Ohio.807 feet (246 meters) 6.96 miles long (11.20 kilometers)

About The Martins Run, Pleasant Plain

About Martins Run, OH

Martins Run is a stream located in Warren County, Ohio with an elevation of 246 meters above sea level. It is situated nearby Butlerville. The river was named after John Martin, a pioneer citizen and one of the early settlers in the area back in the 18th century. The water body also goes by the name Martin Run. The river starts from Blanchester and flows 7 miles through Pleasant Plain. It is connected to First Creek and the Little Miami River. The stream is a good place to practice kayaking skills.

Visiting anglers can take the Morrow-Woodville Road to reach Martins Run.

Martins Run, Pleasant Plain Fishing Description

All About Fishing in Martins Run, OH

Smallmouth bass, channel catfish, and largemouth bass are the popular fish caught in Martins Run. Longnose gar, white bass, freshwater drum, flathead catfish, and sauger are also commonly caught fish in the river. 

The popular fishing techniques used to catch fish in Martins Run are baitcasting, surfcasting, fly fishing, handline fishing, and spinning. Fish like smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, and white bass are easily lured by jigs, crankbaits, plastic worms, swimbaits, and spinnerbaits.  Live baits work perfectly in luring fish like channel catfish and flathead catfish as they are known to eat anything that fits well in their mouths. Crankbaits are commonly used baits for bass, but they work just as well when going after a longnose gar. A wide variety of baits such as shiners, minnows, worms, freshwater shrimp, crayfish, and shad are best used to lure a hungry freshwater drum. Nightcrawlers are used as bait to catch sauger.

You may need to obtain a fishing license that can be purchased for 3 years, 5 years, or 10 years before heading out here and to look for the regulations set by the authorities in Warren County. Anglers are also urged to check for the weather situation and water temperature. Bringing the right gear is also important to note. 

Martins Run, Pleasant Plain Seasonal & Other Description

Fishing Seasonality

Bass such as smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, and white bass are available to catch throughout the year. Largemouth and smallmouth bass spawn in the spring season while white bass spawn from mid-April until early June. Channel catfish are also year-rounders that usually spawn in late spring to early summer. The best time to go after a longnose gar is during the summer months. Longnose gar’s spawning period occurs in May up until the month of June. The best time to fish for flathead catfish is from the spring to the fall season. They usually spawn from late May through August. Compared to the channel catfish, flathead catfish spawn at a lower water temperature. Spring and summer seasons are the best time to fish for freshwater drum. During these seasons, freshwater drum gather schools and get ready to spawn. Freshwater drums are Ohio’s native specie and they spawn from April to late summer. It is best to go after a sauger during late winter and early spring. Sauger gather and school up, as a preparation for their spawning season that will last until the end of spring.

Temperature and Optimal Seasons

Fishing Seasonality

Bass such as smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, and white bass are available to catch throughout the year. Largemouth and smallmouth bass spawn in the spring season while white bass spawn from mid-April until early June. Channel catfish are also year-rounders that usually spawn in late spring to early summer. The best time to go after a longnose gar is during the summer months. Longnose gar’s spawning period occurs in May up until the month of June. The best time to fish for flathead catfish is from the spring to the fall season. They usually spawn from late May through August. Compared to the channel catfish, flathead catfish spawn at a lower water temperature. Spring and summer seasons are the best time to fish for freshwater drum. During these seasons, freshwater drum gather schools and get ready to spawn. Freshwater drums are Ohio’s native specie and they spawn from April to late summer. It is best to go after a sauger during late winter and early spring. Sauger gather and school up, as a preparation for their spawning season that will last until the end of spring.

Martins Run, Pleasant Plain Fish Species

All About Fishing in Martins Run, OH

Smallmouth bass, channel catfish, and largemouth bass are the popular fish caught in Martins Run. Longnose gar, white bass, freshwater drum, flathead catfish, and sauger are also commonly caught fish in the river. 

The popular fishing techniques used to catch fish in Martins Run are baitcasting, surfcasting, fly fishing, handline fishing, and spinning. Fish like smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, and white bass are easily lured by jigs, crankbaits, plastic worms, swimbaits, and spinnerbaits.  Live baits work perfectly in luring fish like channel catfish and flathead catfish as they are known to eat anything that fits well in their mouths. Crankbaits are commonly used baits for bass, but they work just as well when going after a longnose gar. A wide variety of baits such as shiners, minnows, worms, freshwater shrimp, crayfish, and shad are best used to lure a hungry freshwater drum. Nightcrawlers are used as bait to catch sauger.

You may need to obtain a fishing license that can be purchased for 3 years, 5 years, or 10 years before heading out here and to look for the regulations set by the authorities in Warren County. Anglers are also urged to check for the weather situation and water temperature. Bringing the right gear is also important to note. 
