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Pajaro River

Santa Cruz County, California. Pajaro River midpoint in Aromas, California. Pajaro River ends in Moss Landing, California. 29.52 miles long (47.50 kilometers) 21930.38 miles (35293.54 sq kilometers)

About The Pajaro River

Pajaro River is a River located in Santa Cruz County, CA. Starting in Gilroy, CA the Pajaro River flows 32 miles through Aromas, CA before ending in Moss Landing, CA. Find maps, fishing guides, weather and recreation information at Guidesly.


About Pajaro River, CA

Forming a part of the natural border of San Benito and Santa Clara Counties in California is the Pajaro River. The river also forms the border between San Benito and Santa Cruz and Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties. The Pajaro River begins in the Diablo Range in the east and south of the Gabilan Mountains. From here, it flows northwards to tributaries and then flows southwards to Santa Cruz to meet with the main body of the Pajaro. 

Due to its unique location, with the San Andreas Fault crossing it at the Pajaro Gap near Aromas, California, the river possesses unique geomorphology. It is also because of its location that the river has changed course. Once, it flowed to Elkhorn Slough in Moss Landing, California. Now, it joins Corralitos Creek to discharge in the Pacific Ocean. 

The origins of the river’s name come from the time when the first Europeans explored the region. The Portola Expedition was the very first expedition made by Europeans in what would become California. When they came upon the river, the explorers called it the Pajaro River. “Pajaro” is the Spanish word for bird. 

The Pajaro River also is known for being a flood-prone river, as there are several records of it flooding and damaging the nearby towns and the local agriculture. Because of this, the US Army Corps of Engineers have built levees in the river to prevent further flooding. Despite this, flooding continues to be a problem in the area, and the local government has promised to improve the river’s flood control system.  

Pajaro River Fishing Description

All About Fishing in Pajaro River, California

The Pajaro River isn’t just a historical river; it’s also a prime fishing spot. Anglers looking for a less crowded fishing spot in California will find the Pajaro River a welcome sight. Though not as well known as the other big names in California, the fishing experience here speaks for itself. Anglers will find striped bass, largemouth bass, yellow perch, and barred surfperch in its waters. There are also rainbow, brook, and brown trout available here. There are also attempts by the California government to reintroduce steelhead trout in the river’s waters, as their population dwindled these past few years. 

Popular fishing spots in the area include the northern part of the Pajaro River, Salsipuedes Creek, Old Salinas River, and Moss Landing Harbor. Aside from these, there are plenty of other spots within the river itself where anglers can go and cast their lines for one of the many game fish there. The popular fishing techniques in the Pajaro River are fly fishing, jigging, baitcasting, and surfcasting. Anglers can also practice catch and release while fishing in the river to aid in the local government’s efforts to preserve the number of gamefish. 

Anglers fishing for the first time in the Pajaro River can also get assistance from the fishing charters operating in the area. 

Pajaro River Seasonal & Other Description

Fishing Seasonality

With the large amount of gamefish in its waters, anglers can visit the Parajo River at any time of the year. Still, anglers who wish to experience the river when the number of fish are at their peak should visit the river from April to September. These months are when the game fish in the area are at their most plentiful and active. Early morning and the afternoon are when anglers go out in the river to fish. Bass, striped and largemouth, peak from June to July, so anglers who wish to look for them should visit during these months. Trout also appear in numbers during these months, so you can hit two birds with one stone if you fish during these months. 

Temperature and Optimal Seasons

Fishing Seasonality

With the large amount of gamefish in its waters, anglers can visit the Parajo River at any time of the year. Still, anglers who wish to experience the river when the number of fish are at their peak should visit the river from April to September. These months are when the game fish in the area are at their most plentiful and active. Early morning and the afternoon are when anglers go out in the river to fish. Bass, striped and largemouth, peak from June to July, so anglers who wish to look for them should visit during these months. Trout also appear in numbers during these months, so you can hit two birds with one stone if you fish during these months. 

Pajaro River Fish Species

All About Fishing in Pajaro River, California

The Pajaro River isn’t just a historical river; it’s also a prime fishing spot. Anglers looking for a less crowded fishing spot in California will find the Pajaro River a welcome sight. Though not as well known as the other big names in California, the fishing experience here speaks for itself. Anglers will find striped bass, largemouth bass, yellow perch, and barred surfperch in its waters. There are also rainbow, brook, and brown trout available here. There are also attempts by the California government to reintroduce steelhead trout in the river’s waters, as their population dwindled these past few years. 

Popular fishing spots in the area include the northern part of the Pajaro River, Salsipuedes Creek, Old Salinas River, and Moss Landing Harbor. Aside from these, there are plenty of other spots within the river itself where anglers can go and cast their lines for one of the many game fish there. The popular fishing techniques in the Pajaro River are fly fishing, jigging, baitcasting, and surfcasting. Anglers can also practice catch and release while fishing in the river to aid in the local government’s efforts to preserve the number of gamefish. 

Anglers fishing for the first time in the Pajaro River can also get assistance from the fishing charters operating in the area. 
