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South Fork Grassy Creek

Pendleton County, Kentucky. South Fork Grassy Creek midpoint in De Mossville, Kentucky. South Fork Grassy Creek ends in De Mossville, Kentucky.505 feet (154 meters) 26.66 miles long (42.90 kilometers) 307565.50 miles (494978.85 sq kilometers)

About The South Fork Grassy Creek

South Fork Grassy Creek is a River located in Pendleton County, KY. Starting in Williamstown, KY the South Fork Grassy Creek flows 27 miles through De Mossville, KY before ending in De Mossville, KY. The South Fork Grassy Creek rises to an elevation of 505 feet and has a surface area of 191,112 square miles. Find maps, fishing guides, weather and recreation information at Guidesly.


About South Fork Grassy Creek, KY

South Fork Grassy Creek is a stream in Pendleton County in Kentucky and is one of the three major forks of Grassy Creek. At a length of approximately 22 miles long, South Fork Grassy Creek remains to be the largest and the best sport fishing spot out of all the main creek’s major forks. The stream is 3 miles east of Knoxville, off Highway 467. It is located 1.4 miles away from DeMossville and 3.4 miles away from Butler. It is also about 8.9 miles away from Claryville. The water body can also be found at the mouth of Lightfoot Fork. 

You may also find the South Fork Grassy Creek Bridge situated here, which previously carried the KY Route 1675 over the stream. The water body was impounded in 1995 to pave the way for Williamstown Lake or Williamstown Reservoir Dam to be built and serve as an additional water supply for the community. You may also find a lot of entertainment opportunities while in the Pendleton area, such as art walks, Shakespeare in the Park plays, and seasonal festivals. There is also ample opportunity for fishing, hunting, and camping here. 

South Fork Grassy Creek Fishing Description

All About Fishing in South Fork Grassy Creek, KY

South Fork Grassy Creek is naturally the best option for sports fishing, out of the three major forks of Grassy Creek which includes the Middle Fork and North Fork. All three forks provide great fishing opportunities for sunfish species such as redbreast sunfish and green sunfish. The most popular catches here are largemouth bass and smallmouth bass. There are also excellent opportunities for catching yellow bullhead species here. You may also find some spotted bass, bluegill, creek chub, and bluntnose minnow while angling in the area. There are also reports of shiner species such as common shiner, rosefin shiner, and redfin shiner found in this water body. Finding logperch, blackside darter, rainbow darter, fantail darter, and Johnny darter is also possible. There have also been sightings of warmouth, white sucker, and spotted sucker in the stream.

The stream can be fished while wading or by staying from the bank, so ideal fishing techniques to be used here would be surf casting, fly fishing, handline fishing, and spinning. The stream also contains some floatable portions and is suitable for float-fishing from the Hogg Ridge Road downstream to the mouth. The stream has light fishing pressure, so take advantage of that. However, the stream and its nearby bodies have only fair or limited road contact along them for fishing access so do take the time to check the permissions needed before heading out into the area. 

South Fork Grassy Creek Seasonal & Other Description

Fishing Seasonality

The best times to fish in South Fork Grassy Creek would be around 4 AM to 8 AM. You may also try between the time ranges of 1 PM to 2 PM and 6 PM to 7 PM. The best times to fish for largemouth bass, especially female ones, would be during late February and early March when they heavily feed themselves in preparation for spawning. October is also generally a good fishing month in Kentucky. Do avoid extreme temperatures when sports fishing here, because the fish tend to get sluggish when the weather is either too hot or too cold. You may also try fishing around the months of May, June, and September, which are the most pleasant months in Pendleton County.

Temperature and Optimal Seasons

Fishing Seasonality

The best times to fish in South Fork Grassy Creek would be around 4 AM to 8 AM. You may also try between the time ranges of 1 PM to 2 PM and 6 PM to 7 PM. The best times to fish for largemouth bass, especially female ones, would be during late February and early March when they heavily feed themselves in preparation for spawning. October is also generally a good fishing month in Kentucky. Do avoid extreme temperatures when sports fishing here, because the fish tend to get sluggish when the weather is either too hot or too cold. You may also try fishing around the months of May, June, and September, which are the most pleasant months in Pendleton County.

South Fork Grassy Creek Fish Species

All About Fishing in South Fork Grassy Creek, KY

South Fork Grassy Creek is naturally the best option for sports fishing, out of the three major forks of Grassy Creek which includes the Middle Fork and North Fork. All three forks provide great fishing opportunities for sunfish species such as redbreast sunfish and green sunfish. The most popular catches here are largemouth bass and smallmouth bass. There are also excellent opportunities for catching yellow bullhead species here. You may also find some spotted bass, bluegill, creek chub, and bluntnose minnow while angling in the area. There are also reports of shiner species such as common shiner, rosefin shiner, and redfin shiner found in this water body. Finding logperch, blackside darter, rainbow darter, fantail darter, and Johnny darter is also possible. There have also been sightings of warmouth, white sucker, and spotted sucker in the stream.

The stream can be fished while wading or by staying from the bank, so ideal fishing techniques to be used here would be surf casting, fly fishing, handline fishing, and spinning. The stream also contains some floatable portions and is suitable for float-fishing from the Hogg Ridge Road downstream to the mouth. The stream has light fishing pressure, so take advantage of that. However, the stream and its nearby bodies have only fair or limited road contact along them for fishing access so do take the time to check the permissions needed before heading out into the area. 
