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Richmond Creek

Richmond County, New York. Richmond Creek midpoint in Staten Island, New York. Richmond Creek ends in Staten Island, New York. 5.28 miles long (8.50 kilometers)

About The Richmond Creek

Richmond Creek, NY

Richmond Creek is a stream located on Staten Island in Suffolk County, New York, with nine meters of elevation. It is positioned at about 1.6 miles away from Peconic and nearby the southern portion of Travis. The upper drainage basin of Richmond Creek consists of the isolated forested hills found in the middle part of the island. 

Ohrbach Lake serves as the headwaters of Richmond Creek and empties into the Fresh Kills. From its source, Richmond Creek flows into the Greenbelt, passing beneath the convergence of Manor Road and Rockland Avenue. It then reaches the Egbertville Ravine and enters the eastern side of Lighthouse Hill. From there, the water travels through the west of Richmondtown. It then appears as part of the Staten Island’s Bluebelt, wherein protected wetlands reside. It skims under Richmond Avenue until it reaches the Fresh Kills, adjacent to its former landfill and developing park.

Richmond Creek Fishing Description

All About Fishing in Richmond Creek, NY

Richmond Creek used to be a polluted waterway turned into a stormwater drainage system and a wildlife sanctuary with pristine landscapes. The revamped stream of Richmond Creek attracts more anglers to target the most popular fish species in the stream, such as striped bass, seabass, bluefish, flounder, black drum, kingfish, sheepshead, spadefish, speckled trout, redfish, and tarpon. Reports of American eels entering Richmond Creek in Freshkills Park serve as a good indicator of the cleanliness of the waterway. These so-called mysterious fish come from the Sargasso Sea and swim into Staten Island’s Bluebelt to end their thousand miles of adventure. They finally reach the Greenbelt watershed, where they will grow to maturity and live for years. 

Resembling a natural woodlands stream, Richmond Creek consists of native trees, shrubs, and a marsh ecosystem that houses various vulnerable wildlife species. Among the animals living on the beach, tidal creek, and salt marshes of Richmond creek include diamondback terrapin, horseshoe crab, least tern, piping plover, Canada goose, surf scoter, common goldeneye, American black duck, mallard, bufflehead, and different species of crustaceans.

Fishing from a boat is an easier way of fishing in Richmond Creek. You may practice the method of trolling for an effective and enjoyable fishing adventure. Troll fishing enables to cover more water than shore fishing and extend to distant and deeper fishing spots. Successful anglers know how to efficiently trail lures behind a slowly running boat to catch fish, particularly those feeding on smaller fish. You may also utilize the specific method of trolling called downrigging, wherein you will use a winch and weight to transfer the line and bait to the depth where your target fish are feeding. You may practice the use of downriggers in fishing spots where fish disperse. Several anglers prefer to start with clams in targeting striped bass and shift to bunkers when the fish come in a higher number.

Richmond Creek Seasonal & Other Description

Fishing Seasonality

Trollers hit Richmond Creek during the fall season as striped bass frequently appear during this period. Striped bass starts to emerge as early as April or March. And by May, the striped bass season is at its peak, and it continues rolling until December. According to experienced anglers of Richmond Creek, fish start appearing by the river near St. George, caught using lures like clams. Bunkers attract striped bass when they reach Raritan. And once the water warms, they will ignore worms anymore. Other notable tips from Richmond Creek anglers would be black drum beginning to flourish by April and the best harvest time for summer flounder by May.

Before you go, be mindful of the angling regulations in New York. Some areas under certain jurisdictions do not allow fishing traps in catching fish and crustaceans. Fishing regulations also mandate sustainable freshwater and saltwater fishing in New York, wherein some areas only allow catch and release fishing.

Temperature and Optimal Seasons

Fishing Seasonality

Trollers hit Richmond Creek during the fall season as striped bass frequently appear during this period. Striped bass starts to emerge as early as April or March. And by May, the striped bass season is at its peak, and it continues rolling until December. According to experienced anglers of Richmond Creek, fish start appearing by the river near St. George, caught using lures like clams. Bunkers attract striped bass when they reach Raritan. And once the water warms, they will ignore worms anymore. Other notable tips from Richmond Creek anglers would be black drum beginning to flourish by April and the best harvest time for summer flounder by May.

Before you go, be mindful of the angling regulations in New York. Some areas under certain jurisdictions do not allow fishing traps in catching fish and crustaceans. Fishing regulations also mandate sustainable freshwater and saltwater fishing in New York, wherein some areas only allow catch and release fishing.

Richmond Creek Fish Species

All About Fishing in Richmond Creek, NY

Richmond Creek used to be a polluted waterway turned into a stormwater drainage system and a wildlife sanctuary with pristine landscapes. The revamped stream of Richmond Creek attracts more anglers to target the most popular fish species in the stream, such as striped bass, seabass, bluefish, flounder, black drum, kingfish, sheepshead, spadefish, speckled trout, redfish, and tarpon. Reports of American eels entering Richmond Creek in Freshkills Park serve as a good indicator of the cleanliness of the waterway. These so-called mysterious fish come from the Sargasso Sea and swim into Staten Island’s Bluebelt to end their thousand miles of adventure. They finally reach the Greenbelt watershed, where they will grow to maturity and live for years. 

Resembling a natural woodlands stream, Richmond Creek consists of native trees, shrubs, and a marsh ecosystem that houses various vulnerable wildlife species. Among the animals living on the beach, tidal creek, and salt marshes of Richmond creek include diamondback terrapin, horseshoe crab, least tern, piping plover, Canada goose, surf scoter, common goldeneye, American black duck, mallard, bufflehead, and different species of crustaceans.

Fishing from a boat is an easier way of fishing in Richmond Creek. You may practice the method of trolling for an effective and enjoyable fishing adventure. Troll fishing enables to cover more water than shore fishing and extend to distant and deeper fishing spots. Successful anglers know how to efficiently trail lures behind a slowly running boat to catch fish, particularly those feeding on smaller fish. You may also utilize the specific method of trolling called downrigging, wherein you will use a winch and weight to transfer the line and bait to the depth where your target fish are feeding. You may practice the use of downriggers in fishing spots where fish disperse. Several anglers prefer to start with clams in targeting striped bass and shift to bunkers when the fish come in a higher number.
