4 Places that make Cape Cod, MA an Amazing Fishing Spot

Cape Cod, MA is considered a gold mine by many anglers. Want to know where in Cape Cod, MA has amazing fishing spot? Here's a summary of where!

4 Places that make Cape Cod, MA an Amazing Fishing Spot
4 Places that make Cape Cod, MA an Amazing Fishing Spot
Team Guidesly

February 27, 2021, 6 min read

Updated on March 1, 2021

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Boats in Cape Cod

Cape Cod, MA lies on a peninsula that has a fishing history that dates as far back as the Vikings! Today, Cape Cod is known to be an angler’s haven due to the blend of both freshwater fishing and saltwater fishing. A collection of cities covering over 339 square miles of fishing grounds, Cape Cod offers all anglers - both novice and veteran - different fishing experiences and a chance to practice all sorts of fishing. The variety of fish species swimming around also delight the anglers especially when the festivals come around. As a collection of fishing cities, Cape Cod exposes tourists and anglers to an overview of the American aquatic ecosystem. From the different levels of salinity to the different structures, Cape Cod is an aquatic delight to both anglers and tourists.

The Secret to Cape Cod's Beauty: Cape Cod Canal

The secret to the delicate aquatic marvel that is Cape Cod is the Cape Cod Canal.

Cape Cod Canal has served as the pathway in Cape Cod between freshwater bodies to the open sea. Running around 7 miles long, Cape Cod Canal has connected anglers to the mainland and the open waters. Anglers and tourists who want to explore the rest of Cape Cod usually take a kayak down the canal. For anglers, they can enjoy Surf Casting in places such as Ballston Beach, Barnstable Harbor, and especially in the Scusset Harbor State Reservation. Scusset Harbor's been considered the pride of Sandwich Town in Cape Cod especially since it's home to many inshore anglers and a good practice ground for Surf Casters.

However, Cape Cod Canal isn’t the only place that triggers a fishing frenzy among anglers. There are different towns in Cape Cod, MA. Different towns mean different levels of challenges that an angler would want to prove their mettle against. Here are some of the towns that people can go to experience why Cape Cod is an amazing fishing spot.


Stripers' Paradise at Bass River Beach in Yarmouth

When anglers hear the name “Yarmouth”, there are two things that come to mind. Either a town in Canada (there actually is one!) or the town that’s home to the Striped Bass. The rocky jetties beneath the bridge and near the beach serve as the perfect for Striped Bass to hide. And if people are just starting, there are some fishing charters in Yarmouth that specialize in hooking up that Striped Bass as a trophy. 

But Bass River Beach isn’t the only one that brings in the anglers. There’s also Chase Garden Creek. Although a small stream, people come here for the different ponds that have other kinds of fish. While Chase Garden Creek has its share of Striped Bass, their Gull Pond here is known for having an abundance of Brown Trout, Tiger Trout, Brook Trout, and the famous Rainbow Trout. Some even say that Gull Pond is one of the best places in Cape Cod, MA if you’re looking for some Trout to haul home.

There are other places in Yarmouth to explore for fishing such as Greys Beach, Smugglers Beach, and Wilbur Park Boat Ramp. If you run out of bait and tackle, a few are lying around Yarmouth that can help you replenish your supply. 


Sagamore, Sandwich: Home to Scusset Harbor

No, not the thing you eat Peanut Butter and Jelly with! Sandwich is a town in Cape Cod that serves as one of the passing points of the Cape Cod Canal. One of its main attractions however is the Scusset Harbor Jetty at Sagamore Beach village. The Scusset Harbor Jetty has a lot of rocky jetties and plantations. That means you’re going to have your fill of Striped Bass coming in. Although dependent on the season, the amount of Striped Bass can vary. However, the best time to hit Scusset Harbor is supposedly when the “tides break”. This is usually when the wind changes from east to west and at daybreak. Anglers recommend dressing accordingly so that you don’t get chills from the wind. Make sure that your clothes are either water repellant or water-resistant. Getting soaked in Scusset Harbor Jetty is a common occurrence.

Other places in Sandwich asides from Sagamore Beach where you can go fishing include Bournedale Herring Run, Sandy Neck Beach, and Portagee Hole. Although the majority of Sandwich serves mostly surf casters, some places allow anglers to bring in their boats.


Now docking at Morris Island, Chatham

Chatham has a lot of fishing spots. But they’re also known to have a fleet of ships waiting to head out and deliver goods. As one of the main docking points of Cape Cod, Chatham has become quite accustomed to handling boat owners. Their designation as Cape Cod’s Shipyard is because of the Chatham Light, an operational lighthouse that makes sure that all ships make their way into the docks properly.

Since Chatham has a lot of fishing spots, we’ll focus only on one for now which is Morris Island. For many anglers, Morris Island is also a place where you can find Tuna and Striped Bass. However, some people mentioned that the lucky ones do have a chance to tango with the sharks. We’re not just talking about any shark. We’re talking about the famous Great White Shark, one of the greatest apex predators of the sea! If you feel that you’re ready to conquer the big beast, check out the fishing charters in Chatham and find out those who specialize in fighting it. It’ll be a good dinner tale and memory to bring back should you triumph over it.

Other places in Chatham to go include its namesake – the Chatham Harbor, Monomoy Flats, and Harding’s Beach for those who don’t have boats with them.


Falmouth Lighthouse

Take a trip to Falmouth's Old Silver Beach and Wood's Hole!

In Falmouth, one of the most famous places to go fishing is in Old Silver Beach. The clear waters in Old Silver Beach give you a chance to observe some of the fish species that inhabit the Cape Cod aquatic ecosystem. Old Silver Beach is also home to the Bluegill which can serve as good cut bait for some fish if you’re planning to bring in a bigger haul. 

However, the beach is not the only thing that makes Falmouth famous. Falmouth also has some saltwater marshes which serve as the perfect practicing ground for fly fishing. Although veterans advise newbies going in there due to the endless mud, it’s still a good place to catch a variety of fish. Some of the fish in the marshes include Largemouth Bass and Smallmouth Bass.

Another place that makes Falmouth famous is Wood's Hole. Wood's Hole is a village that's known for whaling (not the one in Gacha games!) and shipping. Considered one of the good harbors alongside Hyannis, Wood's Hole is home to also a lot of anglers who want to practice their trolling. The variety of fish depends on the season. May and June are spring months and are the open season for Striped Bass. September and October are the months that False Albacore will start pouring in.


Cape Cod: An Angler's Haven

Cape Cod, MA over the years has become home to all those who want to try their hand in fishing. Most especially Bass fishing, Cape Cod can offer anglers either a challenge or even a tourist getaway if you want to leave the city's hustle and bustle for a while. 

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