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Freshwater Fish & Saltwater Fish of North America

Great Snakehead

Habitat: Lakes, Reservoirs, Canals, Swamps, Rivers

Weight: 4 - 15 Pounds

Length: 18" - 72"

Great White Shark

Habitat: Offshore, Coastal

Weight: 1500 - 2500 Pounds

Length: 132" - 252"

Greater Amberjack

Habitat: Offshore, Reefs, Wrecks

Weight: 40 - 200 Pounds

Length: 60" - 75"

Greater Redhorse

Habitat: freshwater

Weight: 4 - 13 Pounds

Length: 18" - 32"

Green Sturgeon

Habitat: nearshore, estuaries, bays, rivers

Weight: 120 - 350 Pounds

Length: 48" - 84"

Green Sunfish

Habitat: Lake, River, Backwater, Gravel Bottom

Weight: 1 - 2 Pounds

Length: 3" - 12"

Greenland Shark

Habitat: Offshore, Deepwater, Continental Shelves, Continental Slopes

Weight: 880 - 2200 Pounds

Length: 96" - 168"

Grey Snapper

Habitat: River, Lake, Onshore, Near shore, Reef, Backcountry

Weight: 1 - 8 Pounds

Length: 30" - 35"

Grey Tilefish

Habitat: Offshore, Deepwater, Continental Shelf, Continental Slopes

Weight: 5 - 23 Pounds

Length: 25" - 35"

Grey Triggerfish

Habitat: Inshore, offshore

Weight: 11 - 13 Pounds

Length: 19" - 24"

Guadalupe Bass

Habitat: River, Flowing Water

Weight: 1 - 1 Pounds

Length: 12" - 18"

Gulf Grouper

Habitat: Nearshore, Offshore, Rocky Reef

Weight: 72 - 200 Pounds

Length: 60" - 78"


Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Rocky Bottom

Weight: 2 - 10 Pounds

Length: 14" - 36"

Haller's Round Ray

Habitat: Inshore, Offshore

Weight: 1 - 3 Pounds

Length: 9" - 23"

Hardhead Sea Catfish

Habitat: Inshore

Weight: 1 - 12 Pounds

Length: 10" - 28"

Harlequin Rockfish

Habitat: Offshore, Continental Shelves, Slopes

Weight: 24 - 29 Pounds

Length: 6" - 15"


Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Offshore, Reef, Wreck

Weight: 8 - 24 Pounds

Length: 10" - 36"

Horse-Eye Jack

Habitat: Offshore

Weight: 10 - 30 Pounds

Length: 24" - 40"


Habitat: Lagoons, Seaward Reefs

Weight: 1 - 14 Pounds

Length: 12" - 60"


Habitat: River, Ponds, Lakes, Offshore (Older), Inshore (Juvenile)

Weight: 1 - 3 Pounds

Length: 9" - 19"

Indo-Pacific Blue Marlin

Habitat: Offshore

Weight: 200 - 623 Pounds

Length: 132" - 192"

Indo-Pacific Sailfish

Habitat: Offshore

Weight: 120 - 220 Pounds

Length: 42" - 137"

Inshore Lizardfish

Habitat: inshore areas, western Atlantic, northern Gulf of Mexico

Weight: 1 - 2 Pounds

Length: 15" - 19"

Jolthead Porgy

Habitat: offshore, nearshore, reefs

Weight: 13 - 18 Pounds

Length: 14" - 20"

Kelp Bass

Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Kelp Forests

Weight: 4 - 14 Pounds

Length: 12" - 28"

Kelp Greenling

Habitat: Inshore

Weight: 2 - 5 Pounds

Length: 15" - 24"

King Mackerel

Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Offshore, Reef, Wreck

Weight: 10 - 20 Pounds

Length: 19" - 72"

King Of Herrings

Habitat: Offshore, Open Ocean

Weight: 60 - 600 Pounds

Length: 120" - 312"


Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore

Weight: 1 - 5 Pounds

Length: 5" - 19"


Habitat: Onshore, Bay

Weight: 1 - 3 Pounds

Length: 12" - 39"

Lake Sturgeon

Habitat: Onshore

Weight: 30 - 300 Pounds

Length: 36" - 108"

Lake Trout

Habitat: Lake

Weight: 5 - 15 Pounds

Length: 25" - 59"

Lake Whitefish

Habitat: Coral Reefs, Sand, Inshore, Nearshore

Weight: 2 - 15 Pounds

Length: 12" - 39"

Lane Snapper

Habitat: Coral Reefs, Sand, Inshore, Nearshore

Weight: 3 - 8 Pounds

Length: 10" - 24"

Largehead Hairtail

Habitat: Rivers, Flats

Weight: 10 - 13 Pounds

Length: 74" - 92"

Largemouth Bass

Habitat: Lake, Pond, Rivers

Weight: 2 - 22 Pounds

Length: 15" - 32"

Largetooth Sawfish

Habitat: Coral Reefs, Sand, Inshore, Nearshore

Weight: 1100 - 1300 Pounds

Length: 20" - 23"

Leather Bass

Habitat: Onshore,Offshore, Nearshore, Reef, Wreck

Weight: 7 - 28 Pounds

Length: 5" - 36"


Habitat: Coral Reefs, Sand, Inshore, Nearshore

Weight: 8 - 10 Pounds

Length: 10" - 14"

Lemon Shark

Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Reef, Bay

Weight: 150 - 220 Pounds

Length: 96" - 134"

Leopard Shark

Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Reef

Weight: 10 - 44 Pounds

Length: 50" - 78"

Lesser Amberjack

Habitat: Nearshore, Offshore

Weight: 8 - 12 Pounds

Length: 19" - 27"


Habitat: Onshore

Weight: 25 - 85 Pounds

Length: 20" - 60"

Little Tunny

Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Offshore

Weight: 5 - 15 Pounds

Length: 24" - 48"

Live Sharksucker

Habitat: Inshore, offshore

Weight: 8 - 12 Pounds

Length: 35" - 43"

Longbill Spearfish

Habitat: Offshore, Open Water

Weight: 20 - 40 Pounds

Length: 50" - 100"

Longfin Yellowtail

Habitat: Offshore

Weight: 10 - 130 Pounds

Length: 35" - 60"

Longnose Gar

Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Marsh, Rivers

Weight: 30 - 55 Pounds

Length: 28" - 72"

Longnose Sucker

Habitat: Rivers, Streams, Lakes

Weight: 1 - 6 Pounds

Length: 8" - 25"


Habitat: Reefs, inshore, offshore

Weight: 2 - 3 Pounds

Length: 12" - 19"

Lumptail Searobin

Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Coral Reefs, Estuaries, Mangrove Forests, Jetties,

Weight: 1 - 3 Pounds

Length: 11" - 17"


Habitat: Nearshore, Offshore, Bays, Lagoons, Rivers, Estuaries, Mangrove Forests

Weight: 2 - 10 Pounds

Length: 19" - 39"

Mackerel Scad

Habitat: Coastlines, Islands, Offshore

Weight: 0 - 1 Pounds

Length: 8" - 18"

Mahi Mahi or Common Dolphinfish

Habitat: Offshore

Weight: 15 - 30 Pounds

Length: 40" - 83"

Mahogany Snapper

Habitat: Nearshore, Offshore, Coral Reefs

Weight: 1 - 3 Pounds

Length: 15" - 19"

Mexican Mojarra

Habitat: Inshore, Coral Reefs, Ponds, Rivers, Lakes, Canals. Estuaries

Weight: 0 - 2 Pounds

Length: 3" - 15"

Mexican Rockfish

Habitat: Sea Bottom, Offshore

Weight: 3 - 6 Pounds

Length: 21" - 26"


Habitat: Mangrove Swamps, Estuaries, Coral Reefs,

Weight: 2 - 31 Pounds

Length: 39" - 71"

Misty Grouper

Habitat: Offshore, Deepwater

Weight: 15 - 119 Pounds

Length: 45" - 63"

Monkeyface Prickleback

Habitat: Reefs, inshore

Weight: 4 - 6 Pounds

Length: 26" - 30"

Mountain Whitefish

Habitat: Freshwater Rivers, Lakes, Streams

Weight: 3 - 5 Pounds

Length: 10" - 28"

Mozambique Tilapia

Habitat: Lake, River, Backcountry, Swamps, Canals, Drainages, Estuaries

Weight: 1 - 6 Pounds

Length: 12" - 15"


Habitat: Weedy Edges, Rocky Shoals, Shallow Waters

Weight: 15 - 70 Pounds

Length: 24" - 72"

Mutton Snapper

Habitat: Onshore, Reef, Nearshore, Backcountry

Weight: 5 - 15 Pounds

Length: 0" - 20"

Nassau Grouper

Habitat: Nearshore, Offshore, Shallow Reef

Weight: 30 - 55 Pounds

Length: 28" - 48"

Night Smelt

Habitat: Nearshore, Rivers

Weight: 0 - Pounds

Length: 3" - 9"

Northern Kingfish

Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Offshore, Reef, Wreck

Weight: 1 - 3 Pounds

Length: 10" - 18"

Northern Pike

Habitat: Onshore

Weight: 2 - 34 Pounds

Length: 16" - 29"

Northern Pikeminnow

Habitat: Lakes, Slow Rivers, Backwaters of Streams and Rivers

Weight: 2 - 8 Pounds

Length: 1" - 25"

Northern Stargazer

Habitat: Onshore, Oceanfloor, Sandy

Weight: 6 - 13 Pounds

Length: 8" - 23"

Ocean Triggerfish

Habitat: Offshore, Reef

Weight: 4 - 13 Pounds

Length: 10" - 26"

Ocean Whitefish

Habitat: Offshore, Nearshore, Piers, Jetties

Weight: 5 - 13 Pounds

Length: 12" - 40"

Oceanic Puffer

Habitat: Offshore, Open Ocean

Weight: 4 - 7 Pounds

Length: 20" - 24"

Oceanic Whitetip Shark

Habitat: Offshore

Weight: 202 - 370 Pounds

Length: 120" - 157"


Habitat: Offshore

Weight: 0 - 140 Pounds

Length: 59" - 120"
