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Freshwater Fish & Saltwater Fish of North America

Olive Rockfish

Habitat: Nearshore, Kelp Forests, Coral Reefs

Weight: 0 - 5 Pounds

Length: 10" - 24"


Habitat: Offshore

Weight: 1 - 180 Pounds

Length: 1" - 79"


Habitat: Nearshore

Weight: 1 - 4 Pounds

Length: 8" - 26"

Orangemouth Weakfish

Habitat: Nearshore, Offshore, Estuaries, Lakes, Rivers

Weight: 3 - 54 Pounds

Length: 12" - 51"


Habitat: onshore, estuaries, bays, rivers

Weight: 1 - 3 Pounds

Length: 10" - 14"

Oyster Toadfish

Habitat: Wrecks, reefs

Weight: 3 - 5 Pounds

Length: 12" - 16"

Pacific Barracuda

Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Offshore, Reef, Wreck

Weight: 10 - 18 Pounds

Length: 40" - 60"

Pacific Bluefin Tuna

Habitat: Offshore

Weight: 130 - 907 Pounds

Length: 48" - 120"

Pacific Bonito

Habitat: Inshore, offshore

Weight: 0 - 25 Pounds

Length: 0" - 40"

Pacific Cod

Habitat: Continent Shelf, Upper Slopes, Deepwater

Weight: 11 - 50 Pounds

Length: 0" - 47"

Pacific Crevalle Jack

Habitat: Offshore

Weight: 10 - 43 Pounds

Length: 12" - 40"

Pacific Halibut

Habitat: Continental Shelf, Offshore

Weight: 20 - 500 Pounds

Length: 0" - 96"

Pacific Herring

Habitat: Inlets, Sounds, Estuaries, Bays

Weight: 1 - 2 Pounds

Length: 1" - 18"

Pacific Jack Mackerel

Habitat: Offshore

Weight: 4 - 5 Pounds

Length: 22" - 32"

Pacific Ocean Perch

Habitat: Offshore

Weight: 2 - 5 Pounds

Length: 10" - 21"

Pacific Pompano

Habitat: Nearshore, Piers, Jetties

Weight: 1 - 3 Pounds

Length: 6" - 14"

Pacific Rainbow Smelt

Habitat: Nearshore, Rivers, Streams, Estuaries, Lakes, Lagoons

Weight: 5 - 7 Pounds

Length: 5" - 13"

Pacific Sand Sole

Habitat: Offshore, Continental Shelves, Slopes, Inshore, Piers, Wharfs

Weight: 2 - 5 Pounds

Length: 23" - 25"

Pacific Sanddab

Habitat: nearshore, offshore, sandy, muddy

Weight: 1 - 2 Pounds

Length: 5" - 16"

Pacific Sierra

Habitat: Nearshore

Weight: 12 - 18 Pounds

Length: 28" - 39"

Pacific Spotted Scorpionfish

Habitat: Rocky Reefs, Wrecks, Coral Reefs, Caves, Crevices

Weight: 2 - 4 Pounds

Length: 8" - 20"

Pacific Tomcod

Habitat: Deepwater, Coastal

Weight: 1 - 2 Pounds

Length: 9" - 12"

Peacock Bass

Habitat: River, Lake, Canal

Weight: 3 - 15 Pounds

Length: 10" - 29"

Pearly Razorfish

Habitat: Inshore

Weight: 1 - 1 Pounds

Length: 5" - 8"

Pelagic Thresher

Habitat: Offshore

Weight: 55 - 95 Pounds

Length: 108" - 144"


Habitat: Inshore, Flats, Offshore, Reefs, Jetties

Weight: 9 - 60 Pounds

Length: 24" - 48"

Petrale Sole

Habitat: Offshore

Weight: 4 - 8 Pounds

Length: 14" - 24"

Picked Dogfish

Habitat: Inshore, Offshore

Weight: 0 - 16 Pounds

Length: 30" - 37"


Habitat: Rivers, Lakes

Weight: 1 - 11 Pounds

Length: 15" - 39"

Pile Perch

Habitat: Reefs, inshore, offshore

Weight: 3 - 4 Pounds

Length: 15" - 17"


Habitat: Offshore

Weight: 0 - Pounds

Length: 0" - 28"


Habitat: Seagrass Flats, Mangrove Swamps, Corals rich with Barnacles

Weight: 1 - 3 Pounds

Length: 4" - 16"

Pink Salmon

Habitat: Onshore, Lake, River

Weight: 3 - 5 Pounds

Length: 20" - 30"


Habitat: Offshore, Nearshore

Weight: 20 - 35 Pounds

Length: 24" - 42"

Pompano Dolphinfish

Habitat: Offshore, Open Ocean

Weight: 4 - 77 Pounds

Length: 20" - 50"

Porbeagle Shark

Habitat: Offshore, Continental Shelves, Slopes, Inshore

Weight: 300 - 550 Pounds

Length: 60" - 140"


Habitat: Inshore, Reefs

Weight: 1 - 2 Pounds

Length: 10" - 16"


Habitat: Lake, River

Weight: 1 - 1 Pounds

Length: 4" - 16"

Pygmy Whitefish

Habitat: Nearshore, Offshore

Weight: 2 - 3 Pounds

Length: 1" - 12"

Queen Triggerfish

Habitat: Onshore, Offshore, Reef, Wreck

Weight: 6 - 12 Pounds

Length: 11" - 24"

Quillback Rockfish

Habitat: Reefs, inshore, offshore

Weight: 2 - 7 Pounds

Length: 0" - 24"

Rainbow Runner

Habitat: Offshore, Coastal Waters

Weight: 15 - 37 Pounds

Length: 42" - 47"

Rainbow Smelt

Habitat: River, Ponds, Lakes

Weight: 0 - 1 Pounds

Length: 7" - 14"

Rainbow Trout

Habitat: River, Lake

Weight: 1 - 8 Pounds

Length: 16" - 34"

Red Grouper

Habitat: Nearshore, Offshore, Reef, Wreck, Ocean Floor

Weight: 12 - 25 Pounds

Length: 17" - 35"

Red Hake

Habitat: Inshore, offshore

Weight: 0 - 7 Pounds

Length: 0" - 30"

Red Hind

Habitat: Nearshore, Offshore, Reef

Weight: 3 - 49 Pounds

Length: 12" - 30"

Red Irish Lord

Habitat: Nearshore, Coral Reefs

Weight: 1 - 3 Pounds

Length: 12" - 20"

Red Porgy

Habitat: Rocky reefs, Jetties, Bays, Harbors

Weight: 19 - 37 Pounds

Length: 13" - 36"

Red Snapper

Habitat: Nearshore, Offshore, Reef, Wreck

Weight: 5 - 20 Pounds

Length: 19" - 39"

Redbreast Sunfish

Habitat: River, Lake, Backcountry

Weight: 1 - 2 Pounds

Length: 8" - 12"

Redear Sunfish

Habitat: Lake, River, Pond, Streams

Weight: 0 - 5 Pounds

Length: 6" - 17"

Redeye Bass

Habitat: Stream, River, Ponds, Lakes, Creeks

Weight: 1 - 8 Pounds

Length: 9" - 19"

Redfin Pickerel

Habitat: Lake, Stream, Swamp, Vegetation

Weight: 1 - 2 Pounds

Length: 8" - 16"


Habitat: Onshore, Flats, Backcountry, Nearshore

Weight: 10 - 45 Pounds

Length: 30" - 61"

Redstripe Rockfish

Habitat: Offshore, Deepwater

Weight: 1 - 1 Pounds

Length: 13" - 24"

Redtail Surfperch

Habitat: Inshore

Weight: 1 - 4 Pounds

Length: 12" - 16"

River Carpsucker

Habitat: Stream, Silt-Bottom Pool, Backwater, River

Weight: 1 - 10 Pounds

Length: 9" - 24"

River Redhorse

Habitat: Rivers, Lakes, Backcountry

Weight: 5 - 9 Pounds

Length: 23" - 28"

Rock Bass

Habitat: Lake, Stream Pools, Vegetation, Rocky Bottom

Weight: 1 - 3 Pounds

Length: 6" - 17"

Rock Greenling

Habitat: Reefs, inshore

Weight: 1 - 2 Pounds

Length: 21" - 24"

Rock Hind

Habitat: Reefs, inshore, offshore

Weight: 9 - 10 Pounds

Length: 23" - 26"


Habitat: Southern California, Pero, Panama, Costa Rica

Weight: 50 - 114 Pounds

Length: 48" - 64"

Roudi Escolar

Habitat: Reefs

Weight: 3 - 6 Pounds

Length: 20" - 39"

Roughscale Sole

Habitat: Open Water, Rocky Reefs, Coral Reefs, Wrecks

Weight: 1 - 6 Pounds

Length: 8" - 24"

Round Whitefish

Habitat: Lakes, Rivers

Weight: 2 - 18 Pounds

Length: 8" - 22"

Rubberlip Seaperch

Habitat: onshore, nearshore, jetties, piers

Weight: 2 - 5 Pounds

Length: 8" - 18"


Habitat: Lake, River, Backwater

Weight: 2 - 5 Pounds

Length: 14" - 24"


Habitat: Lakes, Canals, Rivers

Weight: 0 - 1 Pounds

Length: 3" - 10"


Habitat: Rocky Shores (Juvenile), Offshore (Adult)

Weight: 3 - 50 Pounds

Length: 14" - 51"

Salmon Shark

Habitat: Nearshore, Offshore

Weight: 210 - 1000 Pounds

Length: 72" - 120"

Sand Perch

Habitat: Inshore, Flats, Reefs, Wrecks

Weight: 1 - 2 Pounds

Length: 4" - 11"

Sand Tiger Shark

Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Coral Reefs, Estuaries

Weight: 191 - 350 Pounds

Length: 78" - 126"

Sandbar Shark

Habitat: Continental Shelves, Oceanic Banks

Weight: 143 - 260 Pounds

Length: 20" - 71"


Habitat: Rivers, Lakes, Tributaries, Streams,

Weight: 1 - 8 Pounds

Length: 12" - 21"
