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Freshwater Fish & Saltwater Fish of North America

Scalloped Hammerhead

Habitat: Inshore, Offshore

Weight: 60 - 64 Pounds

Length: 59" - 169"

Scamp Grouper

Habitat: Nearshore, Offshore, Reef

Weight: -13 - 32 Pounds

Length: 12" - 42"

Scribbled Leatherjacket Filefish

Habitat: Lagoons, Seaward Reefs

Weight: 2 - 6 Pounds

Length: 22" - 43"


Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Reef

Weight: 2 - 4 Pounds

Length: 10" - 18"

Sea Bass

Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Offshore, Reef, Wreck

Weight: 2 - 9 Pounds

Length: 10" - 26"

Sea Trout

Habitat: Inshore, Nearshore, Covered River

Weight: 1 - 6 Pounds

Length: 20" - 55"


Habitat: Lake, River

Weight: 2 - 5 Pounds

Length: 6" - 25"

Sharpchin Rockfish

Habitat: Muddy Bottoms

Weight: 5 - 8 Pounds

Length: 15" - 18"


Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Offshore, Reef, Wreck

Weight: 1 - 8 Pounds

Length: 14" - 20"

Shiner Perch

Habitat: Inshore

Weight: 1 - 3 Pounds

Length: 5" - 8"

Shoal Bass

Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Rivers, Rocky Shoals

Weight: 4 - 8 Pounds

Length: 20" - 24"

Shortbelly Rockfish

Habitat: Water Columns

Weight: 1 - 1 Pounds

Length: 6" - 14"

Shortbill Spearfish

Habitat: Open Water

Weight: 0 - 115 Pounds

Length: 75" - 91"

Shortfin Mako Shark

Habitat: Offshore

Weight: 150 - 300 Pounds

Length: 72" - 150"

Shorthead Redhorse

Habitat: Rivers, Streams, Lakes

Weight: 1 - 5 Pounds

Length: 9" - 30"

Shortnose Gar

Habitat: Lake, River, Backwater

Weight: 5 - 6 Pounds

Length: 25" - 35"

Shortnose Sturgeon

Habitat: River, Lake, Inshore

Weight: 45 - 60 Pounds

Length: 48" - 54"

Shovelnose Guitarfish

Habitat: Inshore, Flats

Weight: 2 - 47 Pounds

Length: 35" - 54"

Shovelnose Sturgeon

Habitat: River, Sandbanks

Weight: 5 - 11 Pounds

Length: 19" - 34"

Silk Snapper

Habitat: Gulf of Mexico

Weight: 0 - 18 Pounds

Length: 17" - 32"

Silver Redhorse

Habitat: Lakes, Rivers

Weight: 2 - 10 Pounds

Length: 18" - 29"

Silver Surfperch

Habitat: Inshore, Flats

Weight: 1 - 1 Pounds

Length: 6" - 11"

Silverspotted Sculpin

Habitat: Kelp Beds, Intertidal Pools

Weight: 1 - 1 Pounds

Length: 2" - 8"


Habitat: Continental Shelves, Rocky Bottoms

Weight: 20 - 200 Pounds

Length: 36" - 72"

Skipjack Shad

Habitat: Rivers, Dams, Wing Dikes

Weight: 2 - 4 Pounds

Length: 12" - 18"

Skipjack Tuna

Habitat: Offshore, Temperate Waters

Weight: 18 - 76 Pounds

Length: 30" - 43"

Slender Sole

Habitat: Offshore, Deepwater

Weight: 3 - 7 Pounds

Length: 8" - 14"

Smallmouth Bass

Habitat: Lake, River

Weight: 1 - 4 Pounds

Length: 12" - 27"

Smallmouth Buffalo

Habitat: Lake, River, Tributaries

Weight: 20 - 50 Pounds

Length: 16" - 44"

Smalltooth Sawfish

Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Backcountry

Weight: 600 - 770 Pounds

Length: 15" - 25"

Smooth Hammerhead

Habitat: Inshore, Offshore

Weight: 185 - 880 Pounds

Length: 96" - 197"


Habitat: Inshore, Flats, Backcountry

Weight: 12 - 29 Pounds

Length: 16" - 50"

Snowy Grouper

Habitat: Offshore, Reef, Wreck, Deep Water

Weight: 24 - 30 Pounds

Length: 30" - 38"

Sockeye Salmon

Habitat: Inshore, Lake, River

Weight: 4 - 15 Pounds

Length: 18" - 32"

South American Silver Porgy

Habitat: Rocky Reefs, Coastal Areas, Clear Coastal Areas

Weight: 1 - 5 Pounds

Length: 6" - 15"

Southern Flounder

Habitat: Onshore, Inshore, Channels, Rivers

Weight: 1 - 4 Pounds

Length: 12" - 33"

Southern Kingcroaker

Habitat: Onshore, Rivermouth

Weight: 1 - 3 Pounds

Length: 12" - 20"

Southern Sennet

Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Offshore, Reef, Wreck

Weight: 1 - 2 Pounds

Length: 18" - 24"

Southern Stingray

Habitat: Ocean Beaches, Offshore, Nearshore, Bays, Estuaries

Weight: 50 - 200 Pounds

Length: 60" - 79"


Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore

Weight: 3 - 14 Pounds

Length: 12" - 36"

Spanish Mackerel

Habitat: offshore, onshore, nearshore

Weight: 8 - 120 Pounds

Length: 20" - 72"

Speckled Hind

Habitat: Nearshore, Ledges, Wreck

Weight: 40 - 66 Pounds

Length: 35" - 47"

Speckled Pavon

Habitat: Rivers, Tributaries, Canals

Weight: 3 - 29 Pounds

Length: 18" - 39"

Spinner Shark

Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Shallows

Weight: 60 - 120 Pounds

Length: 72" - 118"

Spiny Butterfly Ray

Habitat: Inshore, offshore

Weight: 115 - 130 Pounds

Length: 67" - 87"

Spinyhead Sculpin

Habitat: Offshore, Continental Shelves, Slopes, Inshore

Weight: 0 - 3 Pounds

Length: 17" - 28"

Spotfin Croaker

Habitat: Harbors, Bays, Sandy to Muddy Bottoms

Weight: 6 - 10 Pounds

Length: 14" - 22"

Spotted Bass

Habitat: Lake, River

Weight: 1 - 11 Pounds

Length: 20" - 25"

Spotted Gar

Habitat: Creeks, Rivers, Lakes, Brackish Water

Weight: 4 - 6 Pounds

Length: 15" - 59"

Spotted Grouper

Habitat: Patch Reefs, Lagoons (younger), Rocky Reefs

Weight: 10 - 49 Pounds

Length: 18" - 45"

Spotted Sucker

Habitat: Smaller River, Swamp

Weight: 1 - 1 Pounds

Length: 12" - 20"

Spotted Weakfish

Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Coastal River

Weight: 3 - 17 Pounds

Length: 12" - 39"

Spotted Wolffish

Habitat: Atlantic Coast

Weight: 0 - 61 Pounds

Length: 12" - 71"


Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Shallows

Weight: 12 - 20 Pounds

Length: 14" - 39"

Starry Flounder

Habitat: Bays, Lagoons, Rivers, Harbors

Weight: 1 - 3 Pounds

Length: 12" - 36"

Starry Ray

Habitat: Inshore

Weight: 15 - 25 Pounds

Length: 20" - 41"

Steelhead Trout

Habitat: Coastal, rivers

Weight: 2 - 35 Pounds

Length: 12" - 46"

Striped Bass

Habitat: River, Lake, Onshore, Near shore

Weight: 10 - 81 Pounds

Length: 20" - 55"

Striped Burrfish

Habitat: Rivers, Inshore

Weight: 1 - 2 Pounds

Length: 8" - 11"

Striped Marlin

Habitat: Onshore

Weight: 417 - 440 Pounds

Length: 137" - 165"

Striped Mojarra

Habitat: Inlets, Tidal Pools

Weight: 1 - 2 Pounds

Length: 6" - 16"

Striped Seaperch

Habitat: Reefs, Nearshore, Backcountry

Weight: 1 - 2 Pounds

Length: 9" - 15"

Striped Searobin

Habitat: Inshore Estuaries

Weight: 0 - 3 Pounds

Length: 12" - 18"

Stripetail Rockfish

Habitat: Offshore, Deepwater, Continental Shelf, Continental Slopes

Weight: 7 - 8 Pounds

Length: 6" - 16"

Summer Flounder

Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Offshore

Weight: 1 - 5 Pounds

Length: 15" - 37"

Surf Smelt

Habitat: Inshore

Weight: 1 - 1 Pounds

Length: 0" - 12"

Suwannee Bass

Habitat: River, Shallows, Streams

Weight: 1 - 3 Pounds

Length: 8" - 16"

Swell Shark

Habitat: Coral Reefs, Nearshore, Continental Shelf, Kelp Forests

Weight: 10 - 22 Pounds

Length: 32" - 43"


Habitat: Offshore, Deepwater

Weight: 100 - 400 Pounds

Length: 48" - 179"


Habitat: Inshore, Flats, Backcountry

Weight: 25 - 63 Pounds

Length: 48" - 96"


Habitat: rocky outcrops, boulders, jetties

Weight: 1 - 3 Pounds

Length: 1" - 36"


Habitat: River, Lakes, Ponds, Estuaries

Weight: 4 - 15 Pounds

Length: 16" - 33"

Thresher Shark

Habitat: Nearshore, Continental Shelf, Inshore, Offshore

Weight: 500 - 1120 Pounds

Length: 120" - 240"

Tiger Rockfish

Habitat: Rocky Outcrops, Boulders, Jetties, Rocky Reefs

Weight: 2 - 5 Pounds

Length: 11" - 19"

Tiger Shark

Habitat: Onshore, Nearshore, Offshore, Reef, Wreck

Weight: 850 - 3000 Pounds

Length: 120" - 295"
